DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) is the best Discord account creator bot that can create bulk Discord accounts automatically with multiple benefits that users can get, consisting of
- Use proxies to fake IPs and avoid banned accounts
- Customize countries and passwords as you want
- Decode captcha automatically
- Auto turn on 2FA and get token
- Auto verify email for created Discord accounts
- Tutorials in text and videos
- Get support from our customer service team
- Get free and frequent updates
A1. Install the LDPlayer
Please refer to Tutorial – LDPlayer to see how to install the LDPlayer.
A2. Install the DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot
Refer to How to buy Qnibot software to see instructions on how to buy and download our DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) software.
After downloading the software, you double click on => click Next
Next, the Select Installation Folder dialog box will appear => click on Browse, you will see the Browse for Folder dialog box => select or create the folder that you want to save the installation of DiscordCreator (LDPlayers version) tool => click OK => click Next
Note: do not save the installation folder of DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:) or any folder whose name has special characters.
After that, the Confirm Installation dialog box will display => click Next => wait for installing our DiscordCreator (LDPlayers version) tool
Then, you will see Installation Complete dialog box, you click Close
After finishing the installation, you back to your desktop => double-click on the QniTubeAction (LDPlayer Version) shortcut.
Note: In case the bot asks for installing environment variables, please refer to Tutorial – Install Environment Variable
Next, you need to enter the provided license into Key section
Then, you open the LDPlayer9 folder (you download LDPlayer as instructions in A1.section, it is often saved in Disk (C:)) => copy the path of this folder to paste it into LDPlaryer Path section => click Login
Then, you will see the interface of DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot
B1. Devices
You click on the Devices tab to see the sections you need to set devices => click Load Devices
Then, you click Setup and wait for the bot to set up the LDPlayers.
B2. Home – Discord account creator
You click on Home tab to see sections that you need to set up.
B2.1. Network
In Network box, you choose one of two choices: No Proxy or Proxy (From File).
B2.1.1. No Proxy – Do not use proxy
If you do not want to use proxy, you choose No Proxy in Network box. Our DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot will use the IP connected to your PC to create Discord accounts.
Note: In case you choose No Proxy in Network box to create many Discord accounts at the same time, the created Discord accounts can be banned. Therefore, you can refer to proxygeo.com to buy the best proxy.
B2.1.2. Use proxy from file
To use proxies, you choose Proxy (From File) in Network box => click on Import File button => you will see the Import Proxy dialog box
Next, you enter proxy in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any), each proxy is on 1 line
Then, you enter the number of Discord accounts that you want to create with 1 proxy at Account/proxy number section.
For example, if you enter 3 into Account/proxy number section, our DiscordCreator (LDPayer version) bot will create 3 Discord accounts with 1 proxy.
Then, at Proxy import options, you have two choices:
- If you want the bot to use proxies in order, you select Sequence
- If you want the bot to use proxies randomly, you choose Random
Finally, you click Add, the bot will check the imported proxies => click OK => the bot will close the Import Proxy dialog box automatically.
You create a new account on 2captcha site => top up the created account => get the API key and paste it into API key section, the bot will decode captcha automatically
B2.3. Phone
At OTP Service section, you select the OTP site that you want to use
- In case you select Viotp.com, Yuenanka.com or Codesim.net at OTP Service section, the bot will create Vietnamese Discord accounts, you need to choose the Internet Service Provider at OTP Country section
- In case you select Getsmscode.io, 5sim.net, 365sms.org, you need to select the OTP country at OTP Country section
Then, you create an account on the selected OTP site => top up your account => copy the API key to paste it into API Key section
Note: If you select 5sim.net OTP site, you need to get the API key for 5sim protocol
B2.4. Profile
B2.4.1. Password
You can set up passwords in 2 ways
- In case you click on Customize in Password section, you need to enter the password you want the DiscordCreator (LDPlayer) bot to use when it creates new Discord accounts.
- In case you click on Create Password With Characters, you need to enter the number of characters that you want the bot to create passwords.
B2.2.2. Username
You leave Username section as default.
B2.2.3. Recovery email
You click on Enter Recovery email button => the Import EmailRecovery dialog box will appear => enter the recovery email that you want to use in the format Domain(orEmailAddress)|Password|ImapServer|ImapPort (each email is on 1 line) => click Save => click OK => click Close
- If you want to use catch-all email accounts as recovery emails, you tick on Catch-all and import recovery email as the below photo
- If you want to use other types of emails as recovery emails, you do not tick on Catch-all and import recovery email as the below photo
- You can search on Google for the Imap Server and Imap Port of the type of email that you use. For example, these are the Imap Server and Imap Port of Hotmail
- If you use Gmail accounts, you need to turn on 2FA for the imported Gmail accounts, create app passwords and use app passwords instead of Gmail passwords.
B2.5. Control center
B2.5.1. Run
Run section saves the number of accounts that you want the DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot to create.
For example, if you enter 100 into Run section, the Discord account creator will automatically stop after creating 100 Discord accounts successfully.
B2.5.2. Thread
Next, at Thread section, you set the number of Discord accounts that you want the DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot to create at the same time.
For example, if you put 3 into Thread section, the bot will open 3 LDPlayers and create 3 Discord accounts simultaneously
Note: the number of threads must be less than or equal to the number of LDPlayers that you created in B1. Devices section.
Finally, you click Start button to run the software.
The created Discord accounts will be updated in Home tab
In case you want to change the display configuration, you click on Display Configuration => tick on the configuration that you want to display => click Add
To export accounts, you select the accounts you want to export => right-click on the selected accounts => select Export file
Next, you enter the punctuation (or separator) you want the bot to use to separate parameters of created discord accounts => click OK
For example, if you enter the colon (:), the bot will export created discord accounts in the format Email:Password:Username:PasswordDiscord:Token:2FA:CreationDate:AccountStatus
Then, you enter the file name you want into File name section => click Save
Thank you for following tutorial on how to use our DiscordCreator (LDPlayer version) bot to create bulk Discord accounts automatically.