Our InstagramCreator (LDPlayer) is the best Instagram account generator which can automate the following activities:
- Create bulk Instagram accounts with phone or email
- Customize usernames, full names, passwords for Instagram accounts that will be created
- Upload avatars for created Instagram accounts
- Upload posts to Instagram
- Follow suggested users from Instagram
- Turn on 2FA for created Instagram accounts
Furthermore, with our InstagramCreator (LDPlayer), users can
- Use proxies to change IPs when creating Instagram accounts
- Use the bot easily with tutorials and support from our supporters
- Get free updates
A1. Install the LDPlayer
Refer to Tutorial – LDPlayer to see how to install the LDPlayer.
A2. Install the InstagramCreator software and environment variables
Step 1. Double click on InstagramCreator (LDPlayer) to install the bot => click Next
Step 2. At Select Installation Folder dialog box => you click on Browse => choose the folder that you want to save the installation of this Instagram account creator bot => click OK => click Next
Note: do not save the installation folder in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:) or any folder whose name has special characters.
After that, you will see the Confirm Installation dialog box => click Next
Step 3. At Installation Complete dialog box, you click Close
After that, you open the Installation Folder (mentioned in step 2 above) => open InstagramCreator (LDPlayer) folder => open the Environment folder => refer to Tutorial – Install Environment Variable to see how to install the Environment Variables
After finishing the environment variable installation, you back to your desktop => double-click on the InstagramCreator (LDPlayer) shortcut to open the software => you need to enter the provided license into License Key section
Next, you open the LDPlayer9 folder (it is often saved in Disk (C:)) => copy the path of this folder to paste it into LDPlaryer Path section.
Finally, you click Login => the interface of InstagramCreator (LDPlayer) bot will display
B1. Devices
First, you click on Devices tab, you will see the sections that you need to set devices.
Then, click Load Devices to load all the created LDPlayers.
Finally, you click Set up and wait for the Instagram account generator to set up the devices
The bot will enter Done in the Status column after setting up the devices successfully.
B2. Home – Instagram Account Generator
Click Home tab, you will see sections that you need to set up for our Instagram account generator to create bulk Instagram accounts automatically.
B2.1. Display Configuration
Click on Display Configuration => tick on the configuration that you want to display => click Add => click Close
B2.2. Run & Thread sections
At Run section, you put the number of Instagram accounts you want to create.
For example, if you enter 100 into Run, the Instagram account generator will stop automatically after creating 100 Instagram accounts successfully.
Next, at Thread section, you set the number of Instagram accounts that you want the InstagramCreator bot to create at the same time.
Note: the number of threads must be less than or equal to the number of LDPlayers that you created in B1. Devices section.
B2.3. Action
At Action section, you choose one of two options: Reg With Phone or Reg With Email
B2.3.1. Register Instagram accounts with phone
First, you select Reg With Phone at Action section
Next, at OTP Service section, you select the OTP site that you want to use
- In case you select Viotp.com or Yuenanka.com at OTP Service section, the bot will create Vietnamese Instagram accounts, you need to choose the Internet Service Provider at OTP IPS section
- In case you select Getsmscode.io, 5sim.net, 365sms.org, you need to select the OTP country at OTP IPS section => enter the OTP ISP you want to use (or leave the section as the default “any”).
Note: There are multiple ISPs with different prices displayed on OTP websites, so you choose a specific operator that meets your needs. If you leave the section as the default “any”, then the software will randomly select an ISP. You can access OTP sites to see ISPs. For example, here are the available ISPs for Instagram in Singapore from 5sim.net:
You need to write the OTP ISP in lowercase. For example, if the OTP ISP name is Virtual23, you enter “virtual23”.
Then, you create an account on the selected OTP site => top up your account => copy the API key to paste it into API Key section.
Note: If you select 5sim.net OTP site, you need to get the API key for 5sim protocol
B2.3.2. Register Instagram accounts with email accounts
First, you select Reg With Emails at Action section. Next, you click on Add Email => the Import Accounts dialog box will appear => enter the email information in the format: Domain(orEmailAddress)|Password|ImapServer|ImapPort (you put each email on 1 line) => click Save => click Close.
- If you want to create Instagram accounts in bulk with catch-all email accounts, you tick on Catch-all and import accounts as the below photo
- If you want to create bulk Instagram accounts automatically with other types of email, you can import accounts as the following photo (do not tick on Catch-all)
- You can search on Google for the Imap Server and Imap Port of the type of email that you use. For example, these are the Imap Server and Imap Port of Hotmail
- If you use Gmail to create Instagram accounts, you need to turn on 2FA for the imported Gmail accounts, create app passwords and use app passwords instead of Gmail passwords.
B2.4. Add Recovery Email
You set up this Add Email section when you select Reg With Phone at Action section only.
- In case you want our Instagram account generator to verify recovery email when it creates bulk Instagram accounts automatically, you tick on Add Email => click on => the Import EmailRecovery dialog box will display => enter the recovery email that you want to use in format Domain(orEmailAddress)|Password|ImapServer|ImapPort (each email is on 1 line) => click Save => click Close.
- If you want to use catch-all email accounts as recovery email, you tick on Catch-all and import recovery email as the below photo
- If you want to use other types of emails as recovery emails, you do not tick on Catch-all and import recovery email as the below photo
- In case you do not want to verify email when creating bulk Instagram accounts, do not tick on Add Email section.
B2.5. Network
You select one of two choices: No Proxy or Proxy (From File)
- If you do not want to use proxy, you can choose No Proxy, our InstagramCreator tool will use the IP connected to your PC.
Note: You should use proxies to create multiple Instagram accounts. In case you create multiple Instagram accounts with the same IP, the created accounts can be banned.
- If you want to use proxy, you choose Proxy (From File) => click on => the Import Proxy dialog box will appear => you enter proxy in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any), each proxy is on 1 line => click Save => click Close.
Refer to Proxygeo.com to rent high quality proxy with affordable price
B2.6. Profile
B2.6.1. Password
You can set up passwords in 2 ways
- In case you click on Customize in Password section, you need to enter the password you want the InstagramCreator bot to use when it creates new Instagram accounts.
- In case you click on Create Password With Characters, you need to enter the number of characters that you want.
B2.6.2. Turn on 2FA
Tick on Turn On 2FA section if you want our InstagramCreator tool to turn on 2FA for the created accounts. Otherwise, you do not tick on Turn On 2FA section.
B2.6.3. Full Name
At Full Name section, you can choose one of three options:
- In case you select Random US, our Instagram account creator will create Instagram accounts automatically with random US names
- In case you select Random VN, our InstagramCreator tool will create Instagram accounts automatically with random Vietnamese names
- In case you choose Customize, the bot will create Instagram accounts as the names you imported. Therefore, you set the last name and first name as you want as the below instructions
- Click on Enter Last Name => enter the last name you want to use into Import Last Name dialog box, each last name needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
- Click on Enter First Name => enter the first name you want to use into Import First Name dialog box, each first name needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
B2.6.4. Update Avatar
- If you want our InstagramCreator bot to update avatars after creating new Instagram accounts automatically, you tick on Update Avatar
Next, you create a new folder to save images that you want to use as avatars for created Instagram accounts
Then, you copy and paste the avatar folder path into the Folder section.
- If you do not want our InstagramCreator bot to update avatars after creating new Instagram accounts automatically, you do not tick on Update Avatar
B2.6.5. Username
You can select one of two options:
- Click on Random in case you want the InstagramCreator bot to use random username to create new Instagram accounts.
- Click on Customize in case you want to customize the username of Instagram accounts that will be created. Next, you click on => enter the username that you want the bot to use, each username needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
B2.6.6. Upload Post
- In case you want to upload posts to the newly created Instagram accounts, you tick on Upload Post section. Next, you create a new folder to save photos that you want the bot to post. Then, you copy and paste the path of the created folder into Folder section as the below photo.
- In case you do not want the bot to upload post, you do not tick on Upload Post section.
B2.6.7. Follow Suggested
In case you want the created account to follow the suggested users from Instagram, you tick on Follow Suggested section. Next, you enter the number of users that you want each created Instagram account to follow suggested users.
If you do not want to follow users, do not tick on Follow Suggested section.
Finally, you click Start to run the bot.
You can click on Devices to see how this InstagramCreator bot creates multiple Instagram accounts automatically
Click on Home tab to see the created Instagram accounts
Next, you select the created accounts that you want to export => right-click on the selected accounts => choose Export File
Then, you choose the disk to save file of created accounts => enter file name => click Save
Thank you for your time. We hope this tutorial is useful.
Tutorial Video