- Create bulk Telegram accounts automatically
- Customize full name, username and password as you want
- Run with multiple threads at the same time
- Run with rotating proxy
- Get free and frequent updates
- Save time and cost
You need to install the LDPlayer and environment variables before running this Telegram account creator bot.
A1. Install the LDPlayer
Visit LDPlayer.net to download the LDPlayer9.0_ens_1001_ld.exe
Double-click on LDPlayer9.0_ens_1001_ld.exe to install the LDPlayer
Next, click Install
After the installation is successful, you close this LDPlayer.
A2. Install the Telegram account creator bot and environment variables
Firstly, login your account on Qnibot.com => click on at your username => choose License Key, you will see your license management table => you click on beside TelegramCreator to download the software.
Then, you double-click on ToolsTelegramCreator.msi to install the software
Click Next on ToolsTelegramCreator box
Next, you will see the Select Installation Folder dialog box => click on Browse and select the folder where you want to save the installation => click OK => Click Next
Note: do not save the installation folder in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:).
Then, click Next to confirm the installation
After the bot is successfully installed, you click Close
Next, you will see the shortcut on your desktop as the following photo
A2.1. Install the environment variable 1
Double-click on the TelegramCreator shortcut, you will see AppDesktop.TelegramCreator.exe dialog box => click Yes
The bot will automatically download an environment variable.
After that, you double-click on windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.12-win-x86.exe you will see Microsoft Window Desktop Runtime – installer dialog box
Next, click Install
Then, click Close
A2.2. Install the environment variable 2
Back to your desktop, double-click on the TelegramCreator shortcut, you will see the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalBD dialog box => click Next
Next, you click Install
Then, you choose I accept the terms in the license agreement => click Next
After the installation is completed, you click Finish
After finishing the environment variable installation, you back to your desktop => double-click on the TelegramCreator shortcut to open the software => you need to enter the License Key and LDPlayer Path
- Visit qnibot.com/License, you will see your license in KEY column => click on and paste the provided key into License Key section
- Open the LDPlayer9 folder (it is often saved in Disk (C:) when you download LDPlayer) => copy the path of this folder to paste it into LDPlaryer Path section
Finally, click Login => you will see the interface of Telegram account creator bot
B1. Device
First of all, you need to open the LDPlayer9 folder => double click on dnmultiplayer file
Then, you will see the LDMultiPlayer dialog box. Click on Batch button => select Batch New (5 LDPlayers) => the bot will create 5 LDPlayers at once. Depending on your PC configuration, you can create the appropriate LD Players.
Next, back to the TelegramCreator interface => click on Devices tab, you will see the sections that you need to set devices
Then, you click Load Devices to load all the created LDPlayers
Next, you set up CPU and RAM sections
Select all the LDPlayers => click Set up and wait for the Telegram account creator bot to set up the devices
B2. Home Setting – Telegram account creator
Click on Home tab, you will see sections that you need to set up before the bot creates bulk Telegram accounts automatically.
B2.1. Run & Thread
At Run section, you enter the number of Telegram accounts you want the Telegram account registration bot to create.
For example, if you put 50 into Run, the Telegram account creator bot will stop automatically after creating 50 Telegram accounts successfully.
Next, at Thread section, you set the number of Telegram accounts that you want the Telegram account creator to create at the same time.
Note: the number of threads must be less than or equal to the number of LDPlayers that you created in B1. Devices section.
B2.2. Network
There are 2 choices: No Proxy and Proxy (From File)
- If you do not want to use proxy, you can choose No Proxy, our TelegramCreator software will use the IP of your PC.
Note: You should use proxies to create multiple Telegram accounts. In case you create multiple accounts with the same IP, the created accounts can be banned.
Refer to Proxygeo.com to rent high quality proxy with affordable price
- If you want to use proxy, you choose Proxy (From File) => click on
Then, you will see Import Proxy dialog box => you enter proxy in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any), each proxy needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save. Next, you close the Import Proxy dialog box.
B2.3. OTP Service
At OTP Service, you select the OTP site that you want to use.
Next, you create an account on the selected OTP site => top up your account => copy the API key to paste it into API Key section. Then, you need to choose the country code at Phone Code section. Next, you enter the Operator into Operator section.
- You need to write in lowercase at Operator field. For example: the operator named Virtual40, you need to enter “virtual40” as shown below.
- Operator section is used to control OTP rental costs. There are multiple operators with different prices displayed on OTP websites, so you need to choose a specific operator to save costs for your business. If you do not select an operator, leave the Operator section as the default or blank, the software will randomly select an operator. You can visit OTP sites to see prices and operators.
For example, these are the operators at 5sim.net OTP site for Telegram in USA.
These are integrated OTP services that you can use with our bot: 5sim.net, 365sms.org.
B2.4. Profile
B2.4.1. Password
You can set up passwords in 2 ways
- If you click on Customize in Password section, you enter the password you want the TelegramCreator bot to use when creating new Telegram accounts.
- If you click on Create Password With Characters, you need to enter the number of characters that you want the software to create.
Note: the password consists of 6 – 12 characters
B2.4.2. Username
There are 2 options:
- Click on Random in case you want the TelegramCreator bot to create usernames at random
- Click on Customize in case you want to customize the username of created Telegram accounts. Next, you click on => enter the username that you want the bot to use, each username needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
B2.4.3. Full Name
You can choose one of three choices:
- If you click on Random US, our Telegram account creator tool will use random USA names in order to create Telegram accounts.
- If you click on Random VN, our Telegram account creator bot will use Telegram accounts with Vietnamese names randomly.
- If you want to customize the name, you click on Customize. Then, you set the last name and first name as you want.
- Click on Enter Last Name => enter the last name you want to use into Import Last Name dialog box, each last name needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
- Click on Enter First Name => enter the first name you want to use into Import First Name dialog box, each first name needs to be entered on 1 line => click Save
B2.5. Update Avatar
If you want the bot to update avatar after creating new Telegram accounts, you tick on Update Avatar
Next, you create a new folder to save photos that you want to use as avatars for created Telegram accounts
Then, you copy and paste the avatar folder path into the Folder section
Finally, click Start
B2.6. Add Email
At At Email section, you click on Enter Email button => the Import EmailRecovery dialog box will appear. Next, you enter the email you want the bot to use in format: Email|Password|ImapServer|ImapPort
- If you want to use catch-all email accounts, you tick on Catch-all and import catch-all email accounts one per line => click Save => click OK
- If you want to use other types of emails, you do not tick on Catch-all and import recovery emails one per line. For example, we use hotmail accounts as the following photo
- You can search on Google for the Imap Server and Imap Port of the type of email that you use. For example, these are the Imap Server and Imap Port of Hotmail
- If you use the type of email that needs app password for Imap like Gmail, Hotmail, etc., you need to turn on 2FA for the accounts, create app passwords and use app passwords instead of accounts’ passwords
Then, you will see how the bot runs in Devices tab
After you create Telegram accounts successfully, you can login the created accounts on other devices. Click on Home tab to see the created Telegram accounts
Next, you can login Telegram accounts with presented information from the bot. In the verification code step, you have 2 methods to get the code:
- Method 1. Select the created account you want to get code on the software => click Get Code => the bot will update the code in the Log column
Note: In case there are too many accounts, you can use Search feature to find out the account you want to get the code
Method 2. Use TelegramCodeReader software (it is free, you can visit Qnibot.com to download it without charge).
In case you want to export accounts to manage them easily, you choose the accounts => you click on Export File to export the created Telegram accounts
Next, you select the folder that you want to save the result => enter the name of file => click Save
Thank you for following this tutorial on how to use Telegram account creator bot.
Tutorial Video
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