GithubCreatorPro of Qnibot is the best Github account creator tool for users to create bulk Github accounts automatically. Moreover, our GithubCreatorPro brings other benefits, including
- The bot can create Github accounts using Temp-mail or any type of email with Imap enable
- Users can customize usernames and passwords for Github accounts
- Users can turn on 2FA for bulk Github accounts
- The bot can decode captcha automatically
- Users can run the bot with proxy from different sources
- Users can export created Github accounts in Csv or Xls format
- The bot is easy to use with tutorials in text and video
- Users can get free and frequent updates
Please refer to How to buy Qnibot software to see tutorial on how to buy and download our GithubCreatorPro bot.
After downloading the bot, you right-click on GithubCreatorPro.rar => select Extract here => you will see GithubCreatorPro folder
Next, you open GithubCreatorPro folder => double click on application file => the GithubCreatorPro software will be installed automatically.
Then, you choose the language you want to use on Language Chooser dialog box => click OK
Next, you will see the interface of GithubCreatorPro bot
You need to set up the following sections before running any feature of our GithubCreatorPro tool.
Click on General Settings to see general sections that you need to set up.
B1.1. License Key
Visit => click on in ACTION column => click OK => paste the copied license into License Key section.
B1.2. Run
At Run section, enter the number of Github accounts you want the bot to create or check.
For example, if you put 100 into Run section, our Github account creator tool will automatically stop after creating/checking 100 Github accounts successfully.
If you leave Run section as the default (9999999), the bot will create/check Github accounts continuously until you stop it manually.
B1.3. Threads
At Threads section, enter the number of Github accounts you want our GithubCreatorPro bot to create/check simultaneously.
For example, if you enter 10 into Threads section, the bot will create/check 10 Github accounts at the same time.
B1.4. Get Useragent
At Get Useragent section, you choose one of three options: From File, Online Public Key, Online Private Key
- If you want to use the useragent file we provided when you buy the software, you select From File at Get Useragent section. Next, you download one of the provided usergent files => click on
at Useragents section => choose the downloaded useragent file => click Open
- If you want to use useragent from the public key (free), you select Online Public Key at Get Useragent section. In this case, you can run a maximum number of 3 threads.
- If you want to run unlimited threads with useragent online, you select Online Private Key at Get Useragent section. Next, you click on this link to rent a browser fingerprint => get the key and paste it into Online Private Key section.
B1.5. Folder Cookies & Folder Data
You create a new folder named Cookies => copy and paste its path into Folder Cookies section. Our Github account creator bot will save the cookies of created Github accounts in this Folder Cookies.
Similarly, you create a new folder named Data => copy and paste its path into Folder Data section.
B1.6. Captcha API Key
Create an account on => deposit your account => get the key to paste it into Captcha API Key section. Then, the bot will decode the captcha automatically.
B1.6. Sleep (Milliseconds)
Enter into Sleep section the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want our Github account creator bot to rest after finishing each thread.
For example. if you put 15000 and 20000 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value at Sleep section, our GithubCreatorPro bot will rest for 15 seconds to 20 seconds after completing each thread.
Click on Registration Settings to see the proxy sections you need to set up.
At IP Option section, you choose one of three options: From Data, From File, No.
B2.1. From Data
In case you select From Data at IP Option section, you need to import proxy with accounts (refer to C2.2. Import Accounts section).
B2.2. From File
First, you choose From File at IP Option section. Next, you create a new text file to save proxies in the format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername:ProxyPassword. Then, you choose LinesFromFile at File Proxy section => click on => double-click on the created text file of proxy.
B2.3. Do not use proxy
If you do not have proxy, you can select No at IP Option section. The bot will use the IP connected to your PC to create/check Github accounts
Note: The created Github accounts can be banned if they are created with 1 IP only. Therefore, you should use proxy,
Refer to to rent the best proxy
When you run Reg With Temp-mail feature, the bot will create Github accounts using the temporary mail from the temp-mail site you choose.
C1.1. Action
At Action section, you select Reg With Temp-mail
C1.2. Choose Temp-mail
You choose the Temp-mail site you want to use at Choose Temp-mail section.
C1.3. Password & Username
To customize the password, you enter the password that you want the GithubCreator bot to create into Password section => click on => you will see the Generate Lines dialog box => you can add or remove the predefined Tips => click on @Test to see the password that will be created.
You can leave the Password section as the default, the bot will use random passwords to create Github accounts.
For Username section, you take similar steps as Password section.
C1.4. Turn On 2FA
If you want our GithubCreatorPro bot to turn on 2FA for the created Github accounts, you select Yes at Turn on 2FA section.
If you do not want our GithubCreatorPro bot to turn on 2FA for the created Github accounts, you select No at Turn on 2FA section.
Finally, you click OK.
C1.5. Export created Github accounts
The created Github accounts will be updated in Database Manager dialog box.
To export created Github accounts, you choose the group of accounts => click on Convert => you choose Export Csv or Export Xls
Then, on the Csv or Xls dialog box, you click on at File section => choose the disk that you want to save created Github accounts => enter the file name => click Save => click OK
When you run Reg With Other Email feature, our Github account creator tool will create bulk Github accounts using the email you imported.
C2.1. Action
At Action section, you select Reg With Other Email
C2.2. Import Accounts
First, you click on at the bottom of the software interface as the following photo => you will see the Database Manager dialog box
Then, kindly refer to Instructions On How To Import Data, you can see 2 methods that you can follow to import email accounts.
- In case you select From Data at IP Option (refer to B2. IP Option section), you need to import Email, Password, Imap Server, Imap Port, Proxy, Port, Proxy User (if any), Proxy Password (if any). Please refer to Template.
- In case you choose other choices (From File or No) at IP Option (refer to B2. IP Option section), you need to import Email, Password, Imap Server, Imap Port. Please refer to Template.
- You can search on Google for Imap Server and Imap Port of the email type you use.
- You need to enable IMAP for these email accounts before using them to create Github accounts.
- With Gmail accounts, you need to turn on 2FA, create app password and import app password instead of the real password of Gmail accounts.
- The Github Password, 2FA, Backup Code, Catch-all Email, Registered, Profile columns will be automatically updated after our GithubCreatorPro bot creates Gtihub accounts successfully as your customization.
After importing accounts, you select the group of accounts you want to use at Accounts section
C2.3. Catch-all email?
In case you want to use Catch-all Email to create Github accounts, you select Yes at Catch-all email? section.
In case you do not want to use Catch-all Email to create Github accounts, you select No at Catch-all email? section.
C2.4. Password, Username & Turn On 2FA
Please refer to C1.3. Password & Username and C1.4. Turn on 2FA sections
Finally, you click OK.
To export the created Github accounts, please refer to C1.5. Export created Github accounts section.
Firstly, at Action section, you select Check Accounts
Next, you choose the group of Github accounts you want to check at Accounts section.
Then, you click OK
The result will be updated in Database Manager dialog box.
Tutorial Video
Thank you for following this tutorial on how to use our Github account creator – GithubCreatorPro bot.