Increase YouTube Music Plays Automatically Using TubeMusicPlayer Tool

YouTube Music has become one of the most ideal platforms for artists to spread their influences. To help artists speed up this process, is pleased to introduce our TubeMusicPlayer tool, which can increase YouTube Music plays in bulk automatically. Moreover, when customers buy our TubeMusicPlayer tool, they can:

  • Use different view methods to increase YouTube Music plays (directly click on imported link or search for music videos on YouTube Music)
  • Customize the watching time
  • Increase bulk subscribers for artists
  • Use proxies in different countries
  • Decode captcha automatically
  • Use the bot easily with tutorials in text and video as well as support from support team
  • Get free and frequent updates.


First, please refer to How to buy and download Qnibot software to see instructions on how to buy and download our TubeMusicPlayer software.

After downloading TubeMusicPlayer software, you right-click on TubeMusicPlayer.rar => choose Extract here => the TubeMusicPlayer folder will appear

extract file - increase youtube music plays

Then, open TubeMusicPlayer folder => double click on application file and wait for the installation of TubeMusicPlayer software.

installation - increase youtube music plays

Next, you select the language you want to use on Language Chooser dialog box (en = English, ru = Russian) => click OK 

choose language - increase youtube music plays

Then, you will see the interface of TubeMusicPlayer software

interface - increase youtube music plays



Click on General Settings to see the basic sections that you need to set up.

general settings- increase youtube music plays

B1.1. License Key

Visit to see the provided key => click on in ACTION column => click OK to copy your license key => paste the copied license into License Key section.

license key- increase youtube music plays

B1.2. Run

Run section saves the total number of times you want the bot to run.

For example, if you put 2000 into Run section, our TubeMusicPlayer tool will automatically stop after running 2000 times successfully.

run - increase youtube music plays

Note: If you leave Run section as the default (9999999), the bot will run continuously until you stop it manually.

run - default - increase youtube music plays

B1.3. Threads

At Threads section, enter the number of plays you want our TubeMusicPalyer bot to run simultaneously.

For instance, in case you enter 10 into Threads section, our software will open 10 tabs to run plays for your music video at the same time.

threads - increase youtube music plays

B1.4. Folder Cookies & Folder Data

You create a new folder named Cookies => copy and paste its path into Folder Cookies section. Our TubeMusicPlayer will save the cookies and profiles of Gmail accounts in this cookies folder. Thus, the software will not need to login these Gmail accounts again in the next run. 

folder cookies - increase youtube music plays

Similarly, you create a new folder named Data => copy and paste its path into Folder Data section. The bot will save the running result in this data folder.

folder data - increase youtube music plays

B1.5. Get Useragent

At Get Useragent section, you select one of three choices: From File, Online Public Key, or Online Private Key

  • If you want to use the useragent file we provided when you buy the software, you select From File at Get Useragent section. Next, you download the usergent file (is provided with the software download link) => click on  at Useragent (Mobile) section => select the downloaded useragent file => click Open

get useragent - from file - increase youtube music plays

  • If you want to use useragent with the public key ( it is free), you select Online Public Key at Get Useragent section. In this case, you can run a maximum number of 3 threads.

get useragent - online public key - increase youtube music plays

  • If you want to run unlimited threads with the online useragent, you select Online Private Key at Get Useragent section. Next, you click on this link to rent a browser fingerprint => get the key and paste it into Online Private Key section.

get useragent - online private key - increase youtube music plays

B1.6. Use Gmail, Create Profile, Cookies or Profile, Non-gmail Profile sections

B1.6.1. Do not use Gmail

If you do not want to use Gmail, you select No at Use Gmail? section.

use gmail - no - increase youtube music plays

Next, at Create Profile? section, you select Yes if you want to create profiles. Otherwise, you select No.

create profile - increase youtube music plays

Then, if you select Yes at Create Profile? section, you enter the number of profiles that you want our software to create randomly without Gmail accounts into Non-gmail Profiles section, 

non - gmail profiles - increase youtube music plays

Note: If you do not use Gmail, you can increase View feature only, you can not run Subscribe function.

B1.6.2. Use Gmail

To use Gmail, please follow the following steps.

Step 1. You select Yes at Use Gmail section.

use gmail -yes - increase youtube music plays

Step 2. You click on Accounts – Links to import Gmail.

accounts -link - youtube music auto tool

You can use Gmail accounts or Gmail cookies to run our TubeMusicPlayer bot.

Case 1. Use Gmail accounts 

Firstly, create a text file to save Gmail accounts you want to use, enter each Gmail account on 1 line.

  • If you choose From Data at Proxy Source (refer to B1.7. Proxy Source section), you need to import Gmail accounts in format Gmail,Password,Recoverymail,IP:Port:ProxyUser (if any):ProxyPassword (if any)

gmail with proxy  - youtube music auto tool

  • If you select other options (From File or No) at Proxy Source (refer to B1.7. Proxy Source section), you need to import Gmail accounts in format Gmail,Password,Recoverymail.

Gmail accounts  - youtube music auto tool

Secondly, at Gmail Accounts section, you click on => select the created text file of gmail accounts => click Open

upload gmail accounts  - youtube music auto tool

Thirdly, select No at Rent Gmail? section.

rent gmail - no  - youtube music auto tool

Case 2. Use Gmail cookies

Our TubeMusicPlayer bot allows using Gmail cookies instead of Gmail accounts. However, with Gmail cookies, you can run View feature only. Please visit QniBot Gmail Cookies to rent Gmail cookies.

Next, at Rent Gmail section, you select Yes. Then, you download the provided Gmail cookies file that you rented => click on at Rented Cookies section => select the downloaded Gmail cookies file => click Open

gmail cookies  - youtube music auto tool

B1.6.3. Create Profiles and Cookies or Profile sections

At Create Profile? section, you select Yes if you want to create profiles. Otherwise, you select No

create profiles  - youtube music auto tool

Next, at Profile or Cookies section, you can choose one of two options: Cookies or Profile

  • If you select Cookies, the bot will save login status of Gmail only. Therefore, it takes small space on your PC.

cookies or profile  - youtube music auto tool

  • In case you select Profile, the bot will save login status and information such as device type, screen size, etc. Thus, it takes up large space and can gain trust from YouTube. 

profiles - youtube music auto tool

B1.7. Proxy Source

You choose one of three options: From Data, From File, or No.

  • If you select From Data at Proxy Source section, our TubeMusicPlayer bot will use the proxy you imported with Gmail in Database Manager dialog box. Please refer to Case 1. Use Gmail accounts in B1.6.2.Use Gmail section.

proxy from data - youtube music auto tool

  • If you choose From File at Proxy Source section, you need to create a new text file to save proxies in the format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername:ProxyPassword. Next, you choose LinesFromFile at File Proxy section => click on => double-click on the created text file of proxy.

proxy from file  - youtube music auto tool

  • If you do not have proxy, you can select No at Proxy Source section. The bot will use the IP connected to your PC.

no proxy  - youtube music auto tool

Note: If you login too many accounts with 1 IP address only, your Gmail accounts can be disabled. Moreover, if you use 1 IP address only, the increased plays can be dropped.  Therefore, you should use proxy, 

Refer to to rent the best proxy

B1.8. Key Captcha

You visit => create an account => deposit your account => get the Key to paste it into Key Captcha section. Our TubeMusicPlayer bot will decode captcha automatically in needed cases. 

key captcha - youtube music auto tool

B1.9. Clear Caches

In normal cases, you select No at Clear Caches section.

clear caches  - youtube music auto tool

In case the hard disk where you save profiles is full, you can select Yes at Clear Caches section. The bot will clear caches to free up storage space.

clear caches - yes  - youtube music auto tool

B1.10. Skip Ads

If you want our TubeMusicPlayer bot to skip advertisements while watching YouTube Music videos, select Yes at Skip Ads section. Otherwise, you select No.

skip ads - youtube music auto tool


After finishing all general settings as mentioned above, please follow the following instructions to run each feature of our TubeMusicPlayer bot.

B2.1. Auto Increase YouTube Music Plays

TubeMusicPlayer bot allows users to increase YouTube Music plays in 2 ways:

  • Direct: the bot directly clicks on links of YouTube Music videos that users imported.
  • Search: the bot searches for the keywords users imported on YouTube Music and plays the target music videos.
B2.1.1. Auto Increase YouTube Music Plays with Direct View Method

First, you click on View Modules tab => select Direct at View Method section

view method - direct - youtube bot

Next, you create a text file to save YouTube Music video ID and watching time (in seconds) in format ID,WatchingTime as the following image

list video - youtube bot


  • The unit of watching time is the second
  • You get the ID of a YouTube Music video as the following photo

video ID  - youtube software

Then, you click on Accounts – Link tab, click on at List Videos section => select the text file that you have just created => click Open

list video - upload  - youtube bot

B2.1.2. Auto Increase YouTube Music Plays with Search View Method

Step 1. You click on View Modules tab => select Search at View Method section

view method - search  - youtube bot

Step 2. At Search Limit section, you put the number of pages for the bot to search on YouTube Music.

For example, you set Search Limit at 10, if the software can not find the target music video on the first page, it will continue to search for the next page. The last page the software will search for is page 10.

search limit- increase youtube music plays

Step 3. You need to import Search Data

Firstly, you click on   at the bottom left corner of the TubeMusicPlayer interface => you will see the Database Manager dialog box 

import data - increase youtube music plays

You can import data in 2 ways. Please refer to Tutorial How To Import Data


  • The data you import needs to include Keyword, VideoID, Watching time (in seconds). You can refer to the Template
  • Refer to B2.1.1. section to see how to get YouTube Video ID.

Then, you click on Accounts – Links => at Search Data section, you select the group of data you want to use

search data - increase youtube music plays

B2.2. Auto Subscribe Artists in bulk

To increase subscribers for artists on YouTube Music automatically, you click on Action Modules tab => select Yes at Will Sub? section. Next, at Daily Limit section, you enter the number of subscribers you want to add to the YouTube Channel of artists per day.

will sub - yes - increase youtube music plays

If you do not want the bot to subscribe artists, you select No at Will Sub? section. 

increase youtube music plays - will sub - no

Note: our TubeMusicPlayer bot will subscribe to artists’ channels on YouTube Music after playing music videos, therefore, you need to set up B2.1. Auto increase YouTube Music plays before running the subscribe feature. 

Finally, you click OK.


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