Appeal Suspended X Accounts Automatically Using XAutoAppeal Tool

Managing bulk X accounts becomes more difficult because X accounts are easier to be suspended due to the stricker policy of X platform. Appealing these suspended X accounts in bulk is a time-consuming daunting task. XAutoAppeal tool of Qnibot can help users appeal suspended X accounts automatically. Moreover, using XAutoAppeal software can bring users other benefits, consisting of

  • Manually control multiple browsers 
  • Use proxy to fake IPs from different countries 
  • Get free and frequent updates
  • Easily use the bot with tutorials in text and video as well as support from our customer service team 
  • Save time and cost


First of all, please refer to How to buy and download Qnibot software to see instructions on how to buy and download our XAutoAppeal tool

After downloading XAutoAppeal tool successfully, you right-click on XAutoAppeal.rar => select Extract here => you will see the XAutoAppeal folder

extract file - appeal suspended X accounts

Next, you open XAutoAppeal folder => double click on application file and wait for the installation of XAutoAppeal software.

installation - appeal suspended X accounts

Then, you select the language you want to use on Language Chooser dialog box (en = English, ru = Russian) => click OK 

language chooser - appeal suspended X accounts

Next, you will see Start Type dialog box => you select one of two options:

  • In case you want to run our XAutoAppeal software at another specific time, you select Schedule Application  => click Ok => refer to How to use schedule application 

schedule application  - appeal suspended X accounts

  • In case you want to run this XAutoAppeal software instantly, you select Run Now  => click Ok

run now - appeal suspended X accounts

Then, you will see the interface of XAutoAppeal software

interface - appeal suspended X accounts



Click on General Settings to see basic sections that you need to set up.

general settings - appeal suspended X accounts

B1.1. License Key

Visit => click on in ACTION column => click OK => paste the copied license into License Key section.

license key - appeal suspended X accounts

B1.2. Run

At Run section, you enter the number of X accounts that you want the bot to appeal automatically.

For example, if you put 500 into Run section, the XAutoAppeal software will automatically stop after appealing 500 X accounts successfully. 

run - appeal suspended X accounts

Note: If you leave Run section as the default, our XAutoAppeal software will run continuously until you stop it manually.

run - default - X auto tool\

B1.3. Threads

Enter into Threads section the number of X accounts you want to appeal at the same time.

For example, if you put 10 into Threads section, our XAutoAppeal software will open 10 browsers to appeal 10 suspended X accounts concurrently.

threads - X auto tool

B1.4. Captcha service

You choose one of two captcha services: or cap.qni. Next, you create an account at the selected site => deposit your account => get the key to paste it into Captcha API Key section. Then, the bot will decode the captcha automatically in needed cases.

captcha service - X auto tool

B1.5. Proxy Source

At Proxy Source section, you select one of three choices: From File, From Data, or No Proxy.

B1.5.1. From File

First, you choose From File at Proxy Source section. Next, you create a new text file to save proxies in the format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername:ProxyPassword. Then, you choose LinesFromFile at File Proxy section => click on => choose on the created text file of proxy => click Open.

proxy - from file - unlock X accounts

B1.5.2. From Data

In case you choose From Data at Proxy Source section, you need to import proxy with X accounts (please refer to B2.1. Accounts section).

B1.5.3. No Proxy

If you do not want to use proxy, you can select No Proxy at Proxy Source section. XAutoAppeal software will use the IP connected to your PC.

no proxy - X auto tool

Note: If you use 1 IP to login multiple X accounts, the appeal can fail, your accounts can be banned permanently. Therefore, you should use proxies in case you want to appeal bulk X accounts.

Refer to to rent the best proxy

B1.6. Pause Time (millisecond)

Pause Time section saves the range of time (in milliseconds unit) the bot pauses after finishing each thread. 

For instance, you put 10000 and 12000 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value at Pause Time section, XAutoAppeal tool will randomly pause for 10 to 12 seconds after finishing each thread.

pause time - X auto tool

B1.7. Useragent

We provide you with the useragent file download link when you buy the software. You download the provided usergent file => click on  at Useragents section => choose the downloaded useragent file => click Open

useragent  - X auto tool


You click Account and Action tab to see the sections you need to set up

accounts and action  - X auto tool

B2.1. Accounts

To import suspended X accounts, you click on  on the interface of XAutoAppeal bot => the Database Manager dialog box will display.

import accounts - click data - X auto tool

Then, you refer to Instructions On How To Import Data to see 2 methods that you can follow to import suspended X accounts.


  • In case you select From Data at Proxy Source (refer to B1.5. Proxy Source section), you need to import the Username, Password (of X account), 2FA, Recovery Email, Email Password, Imap Server, Imap Port, Proxy, Port, Proxy User (if any), Proxy Password (if any). Please refer to Template.
  • In case you choose other choices (From File, No Proxy) at Proxy Source (refer to B1.5. Proxy Source section), you need to import Username, Password (of X account), 2FA, Recovery Email, Email Password, Imap Server, Imap Port, Please refer to Template.
  • You need to enable Imap/Pop3 for recovery email accounts.
  • You can search on Google for the Imap Server and Imap Port of the type of recovery email that you use. For example, these are the Imap Server and Imap Port of Hotmail

  • If you use Gmail or Hotmail accounts as recovery email, you need to turn on 2FA for the imported Gmail/ Hotmail accounts, create app passwords and use app passwords instead of main passwords. 
  • The Status, Appeal, and Log columns will be updated automatically after running the bot,

After importing X accounts into the Database Manager dialog box, you need to select the group of X accounts that you want to use at Accounts section.

accounts - X auto tool

B2.2. Action

At Action section, you select one of two options: File Appeal or Manual Control

In case you select File Appeal, you continue to set up B2.3. Apeal Content and B2.4. Re-appeal sections. Our XAutoAppeal tool will automatically appeal suspended X accounts in bulk.

action - file appeal - X auto bot

In case you choose Manual Control, you do not need to set up B2.3 and B2.4 sections => Click OK => our XAutoAppeal tool will open different browsers and login X accounts => you wait until you see the red wifi icon

=> you click Show Browser and control the browsers manually.

manual control - X auto bot

B2.3. Appeal Content

There are available appeal content that we set up at Appeal Content section. You can leave this section as the default. Next, you click on  at Appeal Conent section =>  you will see the Generate Lines dialog box => click on @Test to see the available appeal content.

appeal content - default  - appeal suspended X

In case you want to customize appeal content => you click on  at Appeal Content section =>  you will see the Generate Lines dialog box => enter the content you want to use (you can use spintax format) => click on @Test to see the appeal content that will be used.

appeal content - customize - appeal suspended X

B2.4. Re-appeal?

After the software appeals one account, it will update Done into Appeal column in the Database Manager dialog box. In case you select Yes at Re-appeal? section, the bot will continue to appeal this account in the second run.

re-appeal - yes  - appeal suspended X

In case you choose No at Re-appeal? section, the bot will not appeal the X account that had been updated Done in Appeal column in the Database Manager dialog box

re-appeal - no - appeal suspended X

Finally, you click OK

After the software runs, you can open the Database Manager dialog box to see the result. The software will automatically update Done at Appeal column with the accounts that have been appealed. Next, you wait for a few days => re-run the bot to check appealed accounts, if the appeal has been accepted, our XAutoAppeal software will update Login Ok in Status column.result - appeal suspended X accounts



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