twitter auto bot

Twitter Auto Follow Tool – Auto Follow – Auto Posting on Twitter

Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to post and share short messages, known as “tweets” with their followers. Twitter has become a global platform with over 368 million monthly active users. This platform has been attracting a large audience for always updating breaking news and trends ahead of its time. For getting a perfect marketing campaign on Twitter, we give you a marketing solution named Twitter Auto Follow Tool (also called TwitterAutomation) that helps create bulk Twitter accounts and get started with MMO campaign instantly. 

What can you expect from Twitter Auto Follow Tool? 

TwitterAutomation enables you to get bulk accounts and then boost engagement rapidly with various functions: 

  • Register Multiple Twitter accounts with Google accounts;
  • Check profile or status of the Twitter accounts;
  • Update Profile (Avatar, bio, website) 
  • Scrape users;
  • Follow users;
  • Unfollow users;
  • Mass Follow (Boost followers to a brand account) 
  • Like User’s Tweets;
  • Mass Like to a post;
  • Increase views; 
  • Reply User’s Tweets;
  • Mass Reply (Boost comments to a tweet)
  • Message followed users;
  • Message List of User;
  • Auto Post on Tweet.
  • Mention on Tweet (Tag Twitter usernames to posts);
  • Mention on Reply (Tag Twitter usernames on reply);
  • Control your accounts manually

Detailed Instructions for TwitterAutomation

Here is the main interface of Twitter Automation Software:

twitterautomation - interface

After purchasing the Twitter Automation software, visit to get License Key and paste it the software. Kindly make sure that there is no space before and behind the License Key

License key to run twitter auto bot


These are fields that you need to set up before running any function of this Twitter Automation software.

A1. Accounts – Import Data to the Database Manager Box before using main functions

You need to import data (Twitter accounts or Gmail accounts to the bot before using associated features).  



  • If you choose Register with Google, you need to fill out Gmailpasswordrecovery emailproxy (if any)port (if any). Import data as the Template
  • In case you had the Twitter accounts already, you need Twitter Username, Password, proxy (if any)port (if any)

Finally, check group of data that you want to use at Accounts field.

Database Manager box - Twitterautomation

A2. Action – Twitter Auto Follow Tool

Select the function that you want to run for each time. 

functions - twitter marketing bot

A3. Run

Represent the number of runs that you want the software to do. You can leave it as default.

the number of times to run Twitterautomation

A4. Threads

Threads mean tabs, accounts, browsers or tabs that run simultaneously.

Each thread is an individual browser that is provided unique fingering.  However, you need to set the number of threads that suit your computer configuration. The better the CPU or cores, the more threads you can run.

browsers to open Twitterautomation

A5. Cookies Folder & Data Folder – Twitter Auto Follow Tool

  • Cookies Folder helps you store cookies and profiles of the accounts after the first run. On the next time to run, then the bot will load cookies and profiles for other functions without re-login. Create a folder in the disk of the largest empty space and then paste the path on the bot. 

cookies folder - Twitterautomation

  • Data folder: stores collected results and where to save list of users, list of posts, list to scrape, content file. Do the same as cookies folder. 

DATA FOLDER - twitter auto follow bot

A6. Proxy Source – Twitter Auto Follow Tool

Proxy means that different IPs play an important role in increasing engagement and registering bulk accounts. It also helps protect your accounts from being locked out.

You can rent a proxy at to get better results. 

proxy source - twitter auto bot

A6.1. From File

  • At Proxy Source, select From File and LinesFromFile, then click on   to put your file to the bot (if your proxy stores in a txt file)

proxy file - twitterautomation

Note:  You should use HTTPS proxy with format – IP:Port:Username (if any):Password (if any)

A6.2. From Data

At Proxy Source field, choose From Data, then the software will use proxies that are imported with Gmail or Twitter accounts.

Next, follow A1. Accounts to check how to import data to the Database

A6.3. No proxy (your IP) 

At Proxy Source, select No proxy

You should use this option to test the software only or to create 5 Twitter accounts in maximum. 

A7. Useragent – Twitter Auto Follow Tool

Click on  => put the Useragent file that is provided.

useragents - twitter auto bot

A8. Sleep time

Sleep is the resting time between runs (Unit is Milliseconds)

For example: you set 20000 milliseconds to 30000 milliseconds, then after finishing one turn of threads, the bot will pause in 20-30 seconds before performing the next turn. 

sleep time - twitter registration bot

A9. Key 

You need to create an account at to get API key and put it on 2captcha key field. 

2captcha key to login into google accounts




A10. key

If your accounts need verification or unlock with captcha, specifically when you gets these captcha below, you then need to add key to be able to start verifying your accounts. 

verify accounts with captcha - twitterautomation 2

verify accounts with captcha - twitterautomation

Register accounts at and put your key on the bot at Captcha.Guru key field: key - twitterautomation

A11. Restore cookies

If you wanna use cookies from other source (eg: cookies folder of TwitterCreator), select Yes at Restore cookies so that the software can use these cookies to not login again. 

Otherwise, choose No, the software will not use cookies stored in the cookies folder but will login into your accounts again. 

cookies - twitter automation bot

A12. Limit Per Run

This is to limit the number of users to do follow/unfollow/message/reply per account per thread.

For example, if you set 3-5, an account will follow/unfollow/message/reply from 3-5 users/per tweet, then switch to another account to run.

Number of limited runs - twitter auto bot

A13. Limit Per Day 

Similar to Limit Per Run, you can set limit the number of users to do follow/unfollow/message/reply per account per thread by day. 

In case you choose 20-30, an account will do engagement within 20-30 users/per tweet per day.

number of limits per day - to increase engagement on Twitter

Note: You need to check all the general settings mentioned in Part A before using main features of Twitter Auto Follow Tool in Part B. 


B1. Check Login

At Action section, select Check Login

Next, check the general settings as instructed in Part A. 

Finally, click on OK to run.

After completing the process, you can see results at Database Manager box.

results after boosting TWITTER followers

B2. Update Avatar

Create a folder to contain avatars => click on to link the folder to the bot at Image Folder field:

Twitter update avatar tool

Then, check the general settings mentioned in part A.

B3. Update Bio

At Action section, select Update Bio

Next, you create a text file which writes Bio line by line.

At Content File section, click on  => to put your file.

Auto update Bio - Twitterautomation

Then, check the general settings mentioned in part A.

B4. Update website

At Action section, select Update Website

Then, follow the same steps as Section B3

Auto update website on twitter

Then, check the general settings mentioned in part A.

Tutorial Video – Update Avatar – Bio – Website using TwitterAutomation

B5. Scrape User Followers 

At Action field, choose Scrape User Followers 

Then, create a text file containing usernames that you want to scrape their followers.

At List to scrape field, tick => to put “list to scrape” file as shown below: 

twitter scraper tool


Next, at Scrape Limit (Page) field, you will set the number of pages you want the software to scrape.

For example, if you choose RandomInteger and set the limit at 10-15, the tool will scrape followers of these users from 10-15 pages. 

Twitter auto scrape bot

And if you choose FixedInteger, then you can set the limited pages:

Auto scrape on Twitter - Twitterautomation bot

Next, check all the general settings as mentioned in part A.

After successful scraping, the result will be displayed in Data folder

results after scraping on Twitter - Twitter automation bot

Tutorial video – Scrape Twitter followers using TwitterAutomation 

B6. Scrape users by Hashtags

Choose Scrape user by Hashtags at Action field.

Next, you need to enter hashtags into a text file and add the file to the bot at List to scrape field:

scrape users by hashtags - twitter auto follow bot


B7. Follow Users – Twitter Auto Follow Tool

Create a text file which contains the usernames or accounts that you want to follow line by line. You can run Scrape Users function (Section B5) first to get accounts that you need.

Next, at List of Users field, click on => to put the List of users on the software: 

list of users to increase follows on Twitter

Tutorial video – Follow Users- Unfollow Users using TwitterAutomation 

B8. Unfollow Users

This is to do unfollow users that you have followed.

At Action field, select Unfollow Users, then enter OK to run 

B9. Mass follow

For this feature, the tool will use all of the accounts imported in Database Manager box to boost followers to your brand accounts or usernames that you wish to do. 

At Action field, select Mass follow.

Then, create a txt file containing the brand accounts or usernames that you want to be followed. 

Next, at List of Users field, tick and put the file on the software as shown below: 

Increase followers to your accounts on Twitter

Tutorial video – Increase mass followers and likes using TwitterAutomation 

B10. Like User’s Tweet

Create a text file which contains Usernames that you want the software to like their posts. Accordingly, the tool will like the latest tweets of these users.

At List of Users, click on => put the file on the bot:

list of users to increase follows on Twitter

B11. Reply User’s Tweet

Create a text file which contains the usernames that you want to reply their posts. Accordingly, the tool will reply to the latest tweets of these users.

At List of Users field, click on => put the file on the tool (follow Section B10 more to link the file to the software).

Then, compose a content that you want to reply line by line in a text file and link it to the bot at Content File field as shown:

Twitter auto message bot

Tutorial video – Auto reply/like user’s Tweet using TwitterAutomation 

B12. Retweet User’s Tweet

Create a text file which contains Usernames that you want the software to retweet their posts. Accordingly, the tool will retweet the latest posts of these users.

At List of Users, click on => put the file on the bot:

list of users to increase follows on Twitter

B13. Mass Like

This helps boost likes for Twitter posts.

At List of Posts, click on => select the text file of links created.

twitter auto like bot

B14. Mass Reply

At Action field, select Mass Reply 

Next, you create a text file which contains the links of posts that you want to reply and then add it the bot at List of Posts field

Then, compose a text file containing the reply content and then put the file on the bot at Content File field.

Kindly follow Sections B10 and B11 more.

List of posts - twitter auto reply bot

Tutorial video – Mass reply 

B15. Retweet

Similar to the above features, create a text file which contains links of posts that you want to retweet.

Next, at List of Posts field, click on => put the file on the software (see Section B10 more) 

Twitter Auto Retweet Tool

Tutorial video – Mass retweet 

B16. Message Followed Users

This is to message list of following (followed users)

Compose message content in a text file and then put it on the bot (See Section B11 more) 

Content file - Twitter Auto message tool
Tutorial video – Auto message followed users 

B17. Message List Users

This feature is used to message list of users, then you need list of users and content to message.

Follow Section B11 more to set up List of users and Content File fields on the software. 

B18. Post Tweet

At Post Type field, there are 3 types shown:

post type - twitter auto post tool

B18.1. Only Text

If you choose Only Text, then you need to import content to post in a text file and add it to the bot at Content File field: 

content file - twitter auto post tool

Follow section B11 more and enter OK to run.

B18.2. Only Image

Create a folder to save images and then link the folder to the bot at Image folder field:

Twitter auto post tool with image only

B18.3. Text and Image

Combine B18.1 and B18.2 sections if you choose both Text and Image.

twitter auto post with text and image

Tutorial video – Auto post tweets

B19. Mention on Tweet – Tag Twitter usernames to posts

Select Mention on Tweet feature, then the bot will tag Twitter usernames to posts

Next, at User Each Mention section, set the minimum and maximum numbers of Twitter usernames to do tag with each Tweet: 

Twitter auto mention bot

Then, create a text file to save usernames that you want to tag to posts and put the file on the bot at List of Users field:

twitter auto bot 3


Post Type field is also applied to this feature. Accordingly, you can choose Only Text, Only Image, Text and Image when mentioning on Tweet (Refer to section B18 for more details): 

twitter auto post with text only

Tutorial video – Auto mention random Twitter users

B20. Mention on Reply – Tag Twitter Username on Reply

For this feature, you need List of Users to tag and List of Posts

First, at Users Each Mention field, set the number of Twitter usernames that you want the software to do tag with each mention or reply.

twitter mention tool

Then, create a text file to list usernames that you want to do tag on reply and put it on the tool at List of Users field: 

list of users to increase follows on Twitter

And at List of Posts field, you need to add links of Tweets to the bot: 

list of posts - twitter automation

B21. Manual Control

This feature is used to control your accounts manually or carry out other operations on Twitter that you want. 

B22. Increase Views

TwitterAutomation helps you increase views to your posts. 

You need to add list of posts at List of Posts field:

list of posts - Twitter marketing bot

Then check all the basic settings and click OK to run. 

C. Set a schedule to run TwitterAutomation later

 if you choose Schedule application, then you can learn more: How to set a schedule

twitterautomation - scheduling to run app later

How much does TwitterAutomation cost? 


In the end, thank you for carefully following the post.

We hope you find this tutorial useful!

Please let us know if you need more information at

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