Youtube views software – Increase YouTube Suggested views – YouTube Search Views – Browser feature views

Many YouTube users consider increasing YouTube views in bulk as the fastest way to earn money on YouTube. Using YouTube views software is the most effective way to increase YouTube views in bulk.


  • Increase YouTube views (consisting of Suggested Views, Search Views and Browser Feature Views)
  • Auto subscribe YouTube channels in bulk
  • Increase Likes for YouTube videos automatically
  • Auto comment on YouTube videos
  • Can run with multiple Gmail accounts at the same time
  • Support using different proxy sources



After you pay for our YouTube views software, you need to login your account on our website => click on your username => select License Key => click on Download button in SOFTWARE column
YouTube view software - download

Next, you extract the QniTubePremiumV2.rar => double click on => wait for launching the YouTube views software

YouTube view tool - installation

Next, in Language Chooser dialog box, select the language you want to use (en = English, ru = Russia) => click OK

Youtube view software - choose language


B1. General Settings

Click on General Settings to see all sections you need to set up before running any feature of our YouTube view bot

YouTube view software - general setting

B1.1. License Key

Login your account on our website => click on your username => select License Key => you can see provided key in KEY column => enter your key into License Key section

Youtube view software - license key

B1.2. Run

At Run section, you enter the number of times that you want our YouTube view software to run successfully.

For example, if you put 800 into Run section, QniTubePremium bot will stop automatically after running 800 times successfully.

Youtube view tool - Run

Note: if you set the Run section as the default “999999999“, YouTube view tool will run continuously until you stop it manually.

B1.3. Threads

At Threads section, you enter the number of tabs that you want our YouTube view software to run simultaneously.

For example, you put 15 into Run section, the software will open 15 tabs to run at the same time.

Youtube bot - threads

Note: Remember to put the number of thread that is suitable for your PC configuration. The stronger your PC is, the more threads you can run. 

For example, with 8GB RAM and Core i5 PC, you can run 10-15 threads.

B1.4. Folder Cookies 

Folder Cookies is used to save the cookies and profiles of Gmail accounts. Thus, our YouTube view tool will not need to login these Gmail accounts again in the next run. You need to create a new folder named Cookies => copy and paste its path into Folder Cookies section.

YouTube view software - Folder cookies

B1.5. Folder Data

Data folder will be used to save the result of running. You need to create a new folder named Data => copy and paste its path into Folder Data section.

YouTube auto tool - Folder data

B1.6. Get Useragents

At Get Useragents section, you select one of three choices: From File, Online Public Key, Online Private Key

  • Use Useragent from file: You select From File at Get Useragent section. When you buy our YouTube view software, we will provide you with the link to download useragent files, you download the useragent files you want to use

Youtube view software - useragent links

Next, click on at Useragent (Mobile) section => double-click on one of the downloaded useragent files 

  • Use Online Public Key: To use useragent from the public key (it is free), you select Online Public Key at Get Useragents section. In this case, you are allowed to run a maximum number of 3 threads.

  • Use Online Private Key: In case you want to run unlimited threads with useragent online, you select Online Private Key at Get Useragents section. Next, you click on this link to rent a browser fingerprint => get the key and paste it into Online Private Key section.

B1.7. Use Gmail, Create Profile, Cookies or Profile, Non-gmail Profile sections
B1.7.1. Do not use Gmail accounts

In case you do not want to use Gmail accounts, you select No at Use Gmail section

Youtube view bot - do not use Gmail

Next, at Create Profile section, you select Yes if you want to create profiles. Otherwise, you select No.

Youtube view tool - create profile


Next, at Non-gmail Profiles section,  you enter the number of profiles that you want YouTube view software to create randomly without Gmail accounts. 

Youtube view tool - non-gmail profile

Note: In case you want to run our YouTube view software without Gmail accounts, you can increase Views only, you can not run Like, Subscribe, and Comment functions.

B1.7.2. Use Gmail 

Step 1. At Use Gmail section, you select Yes

YouTube view software - use gmail

Step 2. You click on Accounts – Links to import Gmail 

YouTube view software - accounts-links

You can use Gmail accounts or Gmail cookies to run our YouTube view tool 

Case 1. Use Gmail accounts 

Firstly, create a text file to save Gmail accounts that you want to use. Each Gmail account needs to be entered per line.

  • If you select From Data at Proxy Source (refer to B2.1.From Data section), you need to import Gmail accounts in format Gmail,Password,Recoverymail,IP:Port:ProxyUser (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). 

YouTube view software - text file of gmail with proxy

  • If you select other options (From File, RRP, No) at Proxy Source, you need to import Gmail accounts in format Gmail,Password,Recoverymail

YouTube view software - gmail accounts text file

Next, click on at Gmail Accounts section => select the created text file of gmail accounts => click Open

YouTube view software - upload gmail text file

Case 2. Use Gmail cookies

Please visit QniBot Gmail Cookies to rent Gmail cookies.

Next, at Rent Gmail section, you select Yes

Youtube bot - rent gmail

Then, you download the rented Gmail cookies file => click on at Rented Cookies section => select the downloaded Gmail cookies file => click Open

Youtube view tool - upload gmail cookies file

Note: Gmail Cookies can be used to run Views feature only. If you want to run all functions, please use Gmail accounts.

Step 3. Set up Create Profile and Profile or Cookies sections

Back to General Setting 

YouTube bot - General setting

At Create Profile section, you select Yes if you want our YouTube view software to create Profiles. Otherwise, select No

youtube bot - create profile

At Profile or Cookies section

  • In case you select Cookies, the bot will save login status of Gmail only. Therefore, it takes small space on your PC.

YouTube view tool - cookies or profile

  • In case you select Profile, the bot will save login status and information such as device type, screen size, etc. Thus, it takes up large space and can gain trust from YouTube. 

Youtube bot - cookies or profile

Note: If you use Gmail cookies in step 2, you need to select Cookies at Profile or Cookies section and opt No at Create Profile

B1.8. Key Captcha

Sometimes, accounts are asked for captcha solving when YouTube view bot login them. You need to visit => create an account => deposit your account => get the Key to paste it into Key Captcha section

Youtube bot - key captcha

B1.9. Clear Caches

In normal cases, you select No at Clear Caches section.

YouTube view software - clear caches

In case the hard disk where you save profiles is full, you can select Yes at Clear Caches section. The bot will clear caches to free up storage space.

you tube view tool - clear caches

B2. Proxy Setting

Click on Proxy Setting => you will see sections that you need to set up

YouTube view software - Proxy setting

B2.1. From Data

If you select From Data at Proxy Source section, our YouTube view software will use the proxy you imported with Gmail in Database Manager dialog box. Please refer to Case 1. Use Gmail accounts of Step 2 in B1.7.2 section. 

YouTube tool - Proxy from data

B2.2. From File

At Proxy Source section, you select From File

YouTube view software - Proxy From File

Next, at File Proxy section, you can import proxy in 2 ways

  • If you select LinesFromUrl => enter the link address of proxy that you want to use.

Youtube view auto tool - Proxy URL

  • If you select LinesFromFile, you need to create a text file to save proxy per line in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any).

YouTube view software - proxy file

Next, you click on at File Proxy section => select the created text file of proxy

YouTube automation bot - upload proxy file

B2.3. RRP

In case you rent residential rotating proxy from, you select RRP at Proxy Source section

Youtube bot - RRP

B2.4. Do not use proxy

If you do not have proxy to use, you can select No at Proxy Source. The YouTube view tool will use the IP of auto bot - no proxy

Note: You should not run many tabs with 1 IP only, because your Gmail accounts can be disabled and the quality of views, likes, subscribers will be lower.


C1. Auto increase YouTube views 

Click on View Modules to see sections that you need to set up to run Views function

Youtube view tool - view modules

Firstly, you select Yes at View Video? section  

Youtube view bot - View video

Secondly, at Skip Ads section, you select Yes for the bot to skip advertisements at the beginning of YouTube videos (if any).

YouTube view software - skip ads

You can select No at Skip Ads section for the bot to watch the advertisement, but keep the ratio of views with watching full advertisements smaller than 3% of total added views. 

Thirdly, you set up each view method as following instructions

C1.1. Auto increase Suggested Views for YouTube videos

Step 1. At View Method section, you choose Suggested Views

YouTube view tool - suggested views method

Step 2. You create a new text file => enter YouTube video ID and watching time in format ID,watchingtime as the below image

Youtube bot - List video


  • The unit of watching time is millisecond (90000 = 90 seconds)
  • You get the ID of YouTube videos as the following photo

Youtube bot - Video ID example

Step 3. You click on Accounts – Link, click on at List Video section => select the text file that you have just created in step 2 => click Open

YouTube view software - upload list video

Step 4. Check all sections in part B

Finally, you click OK

C1.2. Auto increase YouTube views using Keyword Search View method

Step 1. At View Method section, you choose Keyword Search Views

Youtube view bot - keyword search view

Step 2. At Search Limit section, you put the number of pages for the YouTube view software to search on YouTube.

For example, you set Search Limit at 15, if the software can not find your video on the first page, it will continue to search for the next page. The last page the software will search for is page 15.

YouTube view software - search limit

Step 3. You need to import Search Data

Firstly, you click on   at the bottom left corner of the QniTubePremium interface

Youtube view tool - click on data - import data

Next, you will see the Database Manager dialog box 

Database manager box - youtube view bot

You can import data in 2 ways. Please refer to TUTORIAL HOW TO IMPORT DATA


  • The data you import needs to include Keyword, VideoID, Watching time (in milliseconds). You can refer to the Template
  • Refer to Step 2 in C1.1. Auto increase suggested views for YouTube videos section to see how to get YouTube Video ID.

Then, you click on Accounts – Links => at Search Data section, you select the group of data you want to use

YouTube view software - select search data

Step 4. Check all sections in part B

Finally, you click OK

C1.3. Auto increase YouTube views using Auto Search View method

Firstly, at View Method section, you opt Auto Search Views

Youtube view tool - auto search view method

Secondly, you follow Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 in C1.1. Auto increase Suggested Views for YouTube videos section

Finally, click OK

C1.4. Auto increase Browser Feature views for YouTube videos

Firstly, at View Method section, you opt Feature Browser Views

Youtube view bot - browser feature view

Secondly, you follow Step 2, Step 3, Step 4 in C1.1. Auto increase Suggested Views for YouTube videos section

Finally, click OK

C1.5. Increase views with Real Suggested Views Method

First, you select Real Suggested Views at View Method section

Next, you create a new text file to import video IDs and watch time as instructions in step 2 in C1.1. Auto increase Suggested Views for YouTube videos section.

Then, you upload the created text file to List Video section as instructions in step 3 in C1.1. Auto increase Suggested Views for YouTube videos section.

The bot will watch one of the imported videos for 10 to 15 seconds. Then, it will check the suggested videos from YouTube in the right-side column, if there is any video you imported into List Video section, the bot will click and watch that video for the time you set up. Next, the bot will continue to check and watch other suggested videos if they are imported into List Video section as the number of you set up at Number of Suggested Videos section.

For example, if you set 2 and 3 at Number of Suggested Videos section, after watching the first suggested videos, the bot will randomly continue to watch 2 to 3 suggested videos if they are in the List Video file you imported.

Finally, you click OK.

C2. Auto like YouTube videos

Our YouTube view software will visit YouTube => watch the video => like that video. Therefore, first of all, you need to set up as instructions in C1. Auto increase YouTube Views.

Next, you click on Action Modules => select Yes at Like Video? section

Youtube view tool - Like Video

Then, you check all sections in Part B

Finally, click OK.

If you do not want to run Like function, click on No at Like Video? section

Youtube bot - Like video - no

C3. Comment on YouTube videos automatically

Our YouTube view bot will watch the video then comment on that video. 

At first, you need to set up as instructions in C1. Auto increase YouTube Views.

Next, you click on Action Modules => select Yes at Will Comment? section

YouTube view software - Will Comment

Then, you create a new text file to save the content that you want our YouTube view tool to comment on YouTube videos. You need to enter each content per line as the following photo

Youtube view tool - comment file

Next, you click on at Comment section => select the created text file of comments => click Open

YouTube view software - upload comment file

Then, you check all sections in Part B

Finally, click OK.

Note: Gmail accounts need to have their own YouTube channels before being used to run Comment function.

If you do not want to run Comment function, select No at Will Comment? section

Youtube bot - do not comment

C4. Increase subscribers for YouTube channels automatically

Our YouTube view software will watch the video then click on Subscribe button of the YouTube channel.

Firstly, you need to set up as instructions in C1. Auto increase YouTube Views.

Secondly, you click on Action Modules => select Yes at Will Sub? section

Youtube auto tool - will sub

Thirdly, at Daily Limit section, you enter the number of subscribers that you want to add to the YouTube Channel per day.

Youtube bot - daily limit

Fourthly, you check all sections in Part B

Finally, click OK.

If you do not want to run Subscribe function, select No at Will Sub? section

YouTube view software - do not subcribe

Note: you can run all functions simultaneously 

Thank you for following this tutorial for our YouTube view software. We hope it is useful.




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