Ai writing tools for WordPress – Auto Insert Backlinks – Bulk Upload To Multiple Websites

SMARTAIARTICLE is one of the best AI writing tools for WordPress that allows users to

  • Generate unlimited SEO articles
  • Auto insert backlinks to articles
  • Auto upload articles to wordpress
  • Manage unlimited wordpress websites
  • Use the bot lifetime and get free updates


Refer to How to buy Qnibot software to see instructions on how to buy and download our SmartAiArticle software. After downloading the bot, you double click on .

download the bot - Ai writing tools for WordPress

You will see the Welcome to the SmartAI Setup Wizard dialog box => click Next 

set up 1- Ai writing tools for WordPress

Next, the Select Installation Folder dialog box will display => click on Browse, you will see the Browse for Folder dialog box => select the folder that you want to save the installation of SmartAIArticle software => click OK => click Next 

Note: do not save the installation folder of SmartAIArticle bot in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:) or any folder whose name has special characters.

installation folder - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Then, the Confirm Installation dialog box will appear => click Next and wait for the installation of SmartAIArticle software

confirm installation - Ai writing tools for WordPress

After that, you will see Installation Complete dialog box, you click Close

installation complete - Ai writing tools for WordPress

After completing the installation, you go back to your desktop => double-click on the shortcut. to open the SmartAIArticle software 

open software - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Note: In case the bot asks for installing environment variables on your PC, please refer to Tutorial – Install Environment Variable

Next, login your account at to copy the provided license key and enter it into Key section 

Key - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Then, please refer to Tutorial How to generate articles at to create an account and buy credit at Next, you click on your user’s icon => choose Profile

profile - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Next, you click  at the Credit Token section in the profile => paste the copied token into the Credit Token section on the software

credit token - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Finally, you click Login

login - Ai writing tools for WordPress

The interface of SmartAiArticle software will appear

interface - Ai writing tools for WordPress


Please follow the following instructions in order.

B1. WordPress – Ai Writing Tools for WordPress

First, click on WordPress tab to import the website information you want our SmarAIArticle software to post articles. 

wordpress - AI blog writer

You can import your website in 2 ways

  • Way 1: Enter the Domain (full URL), User and App Key into the corresponding sections => click Save

domain  - AI blog writer

  • Way 2: Click Add List WordPress button => you will see Add WordPress dialog box => you enter the wordpress information in the format Domain|User|AppKey (each wordpress is on 1 line)=> click Add

add list wordpress - AI blog writer

Note: To get User and App Key, you login your admin account at the wordpress you want to post articles => click Users => click Profile => scroll down till you see Application Passwords => enter a user => click Add New => you will see the app key

get user and app pass  - AI blog writer

After you add wordpress, you will see the added information as the following image

B2. Generate Titles

First, you click Generate Titles tab 

generate titles  - AI blog writer

Next, you enter the keyword you want the bot to write articles with the format Keyword|Category (each keyword is on 1 line), 

Then, you choose (tick) the WordPress (website) you want to post articles.

Next, at Thread section, you put the number of tiles you want our software to generate at the same time

In case you want the bot to try to generate tiles if it fails for the first time, you tick on Re-try section and enter the number of re-try times. Otherwise, you do not tick on Re-try section.

Finally, you click Generate Title button, our SEO AI writer bot will generate titles for your articles as your settings.

generate tiles 2  - AI blog writer

Then, you click Produce Article

The generated titles will be added to Title List box in Produce Article tab automatically

title list - AI SEO writer

B3. Produce Article – Ai Writing Tools for WordPress

First, you click Produce Article tab 

produce article  - AI blog writer

B3.1. Details To Include

Enter the main ideas you want our software to generate into the Details To Include box

detials to include  - AI blog writer

B3.2. Backlinks

In case you want to add backlinks, you tick on Backlinks. Next, you enter the number of backlinks you want to add. Then, you enter the backlink you want to add in the format clicktext|url (you separate the backlinks by comma “,”)

In case you do not want to add backlinks, you do not tick on Backlink

backlink -no - AI blog writer

B3.3. Media Hub

In this Media Hub section, you set up the media you want to add with article content

  • If you want to add images generated by AI, you tick on AI Images => enter the number of AI images you want to add => click on at Image Style and Image Size sections to choose the Image style and image size you want.

media hub - AI blog writer

Next, if you tick Include the main keyword in the first image as Alt-text. Relevant keywords will be picked up and added to the rest of images, the software will add the main keyword as Alt-text to the first image, and it will add relevant keywords as Atl-text to the remaining images. You do not tick on this option if you do not want the bot to add Alt-text to images. 

add alt-text - AI blog writer

Then, if you tick All media elements will be placed strictly under the headings. If disabled, the AI will decide and find the best placement, our SmartAIArticle software will add all images under the headings. If you do not tick on this choice, our software will add images to the best place. 

media position - AI blog writer

B3.4. Article size, Point of view, Tone of voice, and Literary style

You click at Article size, Point of view, Tone of voice, and Literary style to choose the corresponding options you want. 

article size - AI blog writer

B3.5. Structure

In the Structure box, you tick on the sections/elements that you want our software to add to the articles. 

Structure - AI writer

B3.6. Sub keywords

If you want to add sub keywords, you tick on Sub Keyword =>  enter the sub-keywords or relevant keywords into Sub Keywords box. 

sub keyword  - AI writer

B3.7. Threads & Retry – Fail

At Thread section, you enter the number of articles you want our SmartAIArticle software to generate at the same time.

For example, if you enter 5 into Thread section, the bot will generate 5 articles simultaneously.

threads - retry  - AI writer

At Retry-Fail section, you enter the number of times you want to bot to retry if it fails to generate the articles.

For example, if you enter 1 into Retry-Fail section, the bot will try to generate the article one more time if it fails at the first time.

retry  - AI writer


B3.8. Setup ChatGPT

Click Home tab => click button at GPT Model, Language, and Target country sections to choose the choice you want.

setup chatgpt - AI writer

Next, you back to Produce Article tab => click Start. Our SmartAIArticle will generate the articles as your settings.

start - AI writer

After that, the bot will save the generated articles in a new folder, you click on at Record Folder to see the generated articles. They are also saved in Home tab of our software.

produce article - AI writer


Click Home tab to see sections that you need to set up 

home - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C1. Number of posts

At Number of posts section, you enter the number of articles you want the bot to post. 

For example, if you enter 1 and 2 into Number of posts section, the bot will randomly post 1 to 2 articles

number of posts - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C2. Delay Time (Minutes)

At Delay Time (Minutes) section, you enter the number of minutes you want the bot to rest after posting an article.

For example, if you put 5 and 10 into Delay Time (Minutes) section, the bot will randomly rest 5 to 10 minutes after posting each article.

delay time - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C3. Status

At Status section, you choose one of three options: Draft, Pubish, Pending. Our software will post article as your choice.

status - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C4. Repost

If you want our SmartAIArticle software to re-post the posted article, you tick on Repost. Otherwise, you do not tick on Repost.

repost - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C5. Featured Image

In Feature Image box, you choose one of three choices

  • If you do not want to post articles with any featured image, you choose No

featured image - no - Ai writing tools for WordPress

  • If you want to post articles with featured images generated by AI, you choose From AI

featured image - from AI - Ai writing tools for WordPress

  • If you want to post articles with your own featured images, you select From Folder => create a new folder to save your featured images => copy the path of featured image folder to paste it into From Folder section 

featured image - from folder - Ai writing tools for WordPress

C6. Choose articles you want to post

Articles that our software generated will be presented on Home tab. To edit the generated articles, you click Edit => edit the content you want => click Save

edit posts - Ai writing tools for WordPress

If you want to add your own articles, you click Add Post  => enter the required information and content => click Save

add post - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Then, you can choose the articles that you want the bot to post.

choose articles - Ai writing tools for WordPress

Finally, you click Start, our SmartAIArticle software will post articles to your websites automatically as your settings.

Tutorial Video

Thank you very much for following our tutorial on how to use the SmartAIArticle software. Hope it is helpful. 


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