FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) of Qnibot – the best Facebook Marketing Software can automate the following activities
- Like and Follow Page
- Farm Posts
- Share Posts
- Rate Pages
- Interact with Specific Posts
- Interact with Joined Groups
- Post on Timeline
- Post in Groups
- Post Reels
- Post Stories
- Read Notifications
- Watch Reels
- Watch Videos
- Watch Videos by Keyword
- Interact with FB Pages
- Watch Stories
- Join Groups by Keywords
- Join Group by IDs
- Join Groups by Suggestions
- Leave Groups
- Invite Friends to Join Groups
- Invite Friends to Like Pages
- Add Friends by Keywords
- Add Friends by UIDs
- Add Friends by Groups
- Confirm Friend Requests
- Unfriend
- Interact with Friends
- Change Password
- Update Avatar
- Update Cover
- Delete Phone Number
- Log Out of All Sessions
- Enable/Disable 2FA
- Add Email
- Change Name
Moreover, when you buy our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version), you can get more benefits, including
- Tutorials in text and video
- Support from our customer service team
- Use proxy to fake IP as you want
- Get free and frequent update
A1. Install the LDPlayer
Follow the instructions in Tutorial – LDPlayer to see how to install the LDPlayer.
A2. Install the FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) software
Refer to How to buy Qnibot software to see instructions on buying and downloading our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot.
After downloading the software, you double click on => click Next
Next, the Select Installation Folder dialog box will appear => click on Browse, you will see the Browse for Folder dialog box => select the folder that you want to save the installation of FacebookFarming (LDPlayers version) software => click OK => click Next
Note: do not save the installation folder of FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot in the Program Files (x86) folder in Disk (C:) or any folder whose name has special characters.
After that, you will see the Confirm Installation dialog box => click Next
At Installation Complete dialog box, you click Close
After finishing the installation, you back to your desktop => double-click on the FacebookFarming Version LDPlayer shortcut.
Note: In case the bot asks for installing environment variables, please refer to Tutorial – Install Environment Variable
Next, you need to enter the provided license into Key section
Then, you open the LDPlayer9 folder (it is often saved in Disk (C:)) => copy the path of this folder to paste it into LDPlaryer Path section.
Finally, you click Login => the interface of FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will display
B1. Devices
You click on the Devices tab to see the sections you need to set devices => click Load Devices
Then, you click Setup LDPlayer and wait for the bot to set up the LDPlayers.
Note: you set up LDPlayer one time only, after the first LDPlayer setup is successful, you do not set up LDPlayer again.
B2. Home
You click on Home tab to see sections that you need to set up.
B2.1. Action
At Action section, you tick on the feature that you want our Facebook marketing software to automate.
B2.2. Choose a script option
B2.2.1. Create and select the script name
First, you enter the script name that you want to create into the Script Name section => click to add the script.
Next, you choose the script you want to run at Select a script section.
B2.2.2. Randomize the order of actions
If you want our Facebook marketing software to run selected features at Action section in order, you do not need to tick on Randomize the order of actions
In case you want to randomize the selected features at Action section, you tick on Randomize the order of actions.
B2.2.3. Repeat after (Minutes)
In case you want the bot to repeat selected functions at Action section, you tick on Repeat After (Minutes) => enter the range of time (in minutes) you want the bot to rest before repeating the selected functions.
For example, if you set up as the following photo, our Facebook marketing software will randomly rest for 15 to 20 minutes before repeating the selected features.
B2.3. Network
At Network section, you choose one of three options: No Proxy, Proxy (From Account Data), Proxy (From File).
B2.3.1. No Proxy
If you do not want to use proxy, you choose No Proxy at Network section. Our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will use the IP connected to your PC.
Note: In case you use 1 IP to run multiple Facebook accounts, the imported accounts can be banned. Therefore, you can refer to proxygeo.com to buy the best proxy.
B2.3.2. Use Proxy From Data
In case you select Proxy (From Account Data) at Network section, you need to import proxy with Facebook accounts. Refer to B2.4.2. Add accounts section to see how to add accounts with proxy.
B2.3.3. Use Proxy From File
If you want to use proxy, you choose Proxy (From File) at Network section => click on Enter File button => the Enter a list proxies dialog box will appear. Next, you enter proxy in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any), each proxy is on 1 line => click Add
B2.4. Control Center
B2.4.1. Number of Threads to run
You put the number of LDPlayers that you want our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) software to run simultaneously into Number of Threads to run section.
For example, you put 3 into Number of Threads to run section, our Instagram automation tool will open 3 LDPlayers to login 3 Facebook accounts at the same time.
Note: the number of threads must be equal or fewer than the number of LDPlayers you set up in B1. Devices section.
B2.4.2. Import Facebook accounts
You click on Add account button => you will see the Add Accounts dialog box
Next, you click on Add button at Select a folder section to create a new folder for saving Facebook accounts => the Add Folder dialog box will appear => enter the name of the folder you want to create into Folder name section => click Add. Then, you select the folder you want to save your Facebook accounts at Select a Folder section
Then, at Input format section, you choose the format you want to import accounts
Note: In case you choose Proxy (From Account Data) at Network section (refer to B2.3.2 section), you need to select the format that contains proxy.
Note: Uid can be the Numeric ID, email address or phone number that you used to create Facebook accounts.
Next, you import Facebook accounts into the box with the selected format
Then, you click Add => click OK => click Close.
The imported Facebook accounts will display as in the following photo
Next, you click on Display Configuration => tick on the configuration that you want to display => click Add => click Close
To search for any imported Facebook accounts, you can select the group of accounts, then enter the account that you want to search as the following photo
You can refer to How To Manage Imported Accounts – LDPlayer Version Software to see how to manage the imported Facebook accounts.
After finishing all basic settings, you click Save.
After setting up all basic sections mentioned above, you move to the next part to see how to run each function of our Facebook marketing software.
- Remember to select the Facebook accounts before running any functions of our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer) bot.
- You can run multiple features at the same time.
How to get UID of Facebook pages, profiles (users), groups?
- The UID you need to take is the array of numbers after “id=” in the Facebook URL.
- In case the Facebook URL does not have any number after “id=”, you visit this link => copy and paste the Facebook URL into Facebook profile, page or group link box => click Find numeric ID => you will see the ID that you need to get.
C1. Interact functions – Facebook marketing software
C1.1. Like and Follow Page
In Action box, you tick on Like and Follow Page => click on => the Like and Follow Page dialog box will appear
C1.1.1. List of Uid Pages
You put the UIDs of pages that you want to like and follow into List of Uid Pages box (each UID is on 1 line).
C1.1.2. Delay time
At Delay time section, you enter the number of seconds that you want the bot to rest after liking and following each imported page.
For example, if you set 10 and 20 at Delay time section, the bot will randomly rest for 10 to 20 seconds after liking and following each page.
C1.1.3. Like Page
If you want the bot to like the imported pages, you tick on Like Page. Otherwise, you do not tick on Like Page.
C1.1.4. Follow Page
If you want the bot to like the imported pages, you tick on Follow Page. Otherwise, you do not tick on Follow Page.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Like and Follow Page feature.
C1.2. Farm Post
In Action box, you tick on Farm Post => click on to see the Farm Post dialog box
C1.2.1. Lists of IDs per account & Number of Interactions per ID
At List of IDs per account section, you enter the number of IDs that you want to farm with each imported Facebook account. Next, at Number of interactions per ID section, you enter the number of posts you want the bot to interact with each imported ID.
For example, if you enter 1 and 3 into List of IDs per account section and then you enter 2 and 4 into Number of interactions per ID section, with each imported Facebook account, the bot will randomly visit 1 to 3 IDs then randomly interact with 2 to 4 posts per visited ID.
C1.2.2. Waiting time
At Waiting time section, you enter the time range (in seconds) that you want the software to wait after farming each imported Facebook account.
For example, if you enter 10 and 20 into Waiting time section, the bot will randomly rest in 10 to 20 seconds after farming each Facebook account.
C1.2.3. Type & Enter the list of User/Group/Page IDs
At Type section, you choose one of three choices: Profile, Group, or Page. Then, you import the ID of the chosen type into Enter the list of User/Group/Page IDs box.
For example, if you select Page at Type section, you enter the IDs of Facebook pages that you want to visit into Enter the list of User/Group/Page IDs box
C1.2.4. Show emoticons
If you want to react to the visited posts, you tick on Show emoticons => choose the emoticons that you want to use.
If you do not want to react to the visited posts, you do not tick on Show emoticons.
C1.2.5. Auto comment
In case you the bot to comment on the visited posts, you tick on Auto – comment section. Next, you enter the content that you want to comment into Comment content box (each content is on 1 line, you can use spintax format).
In case you do not want to comment on the visited posts, you do not click on Auto – comment section.
C1.2.6. Comment with photo
If you want the bot to comment with a photo, you tick on Comment with photo. Next, you create a new folder to save photos that you want to use => copy the path of the created folder and paste it into Image folder section
In case you do not want to comment with a photo, you do not tick on Comment with photo section.
C1.2.7. Share to feed
In case you want to share the visited posts, you tick on Share to feed. Otherwise, you do not tick on Share to feed.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Farm posts feature.
C1.3. Share Post
In Action box, you tick on Share Post => click on to see the Share Post dialog box
C1.3.1. Number of links
At Number of links section, you enter the number of links you want to share.
For example. if you set 1 and 5 at Number of links section, the bot will randomly share 1 to 5 posts.
C1.3.2. Link to be shared & Type of shared link
In Link to be shared box, you enter links of posts that you want to share (each link is on 1 line). Next, you choose the type of imported link (livestream, post, or reel) at Type of shared link section.
C1.3.3. Share content
If you want to share imported posts with content, you tick on Share content box => enter the content that you want to share into Share content box (each content is on 1 line).
If you do not want to share posts with content, you do not tick on Share content box.
C1.3.4. Interact before sharing
If you want to interact with the imported posts before sharing them, you tick on Interact before sharing. Next, at Viewing time (seconds) section, you enter the range of time (in seconds) that you want to interact with each imported post before sharing it. Then, you refer to C1.2.4. Show emoticons and C1.2.5. Auto – comment sections to set up Show emoticons and Auto – comment sections
If you do not want to interact with the imported posts, you do not tick on Interact before sharing.
C1.3.5. Share options
If you want to share posts to the imported Facebook accounts’ feeds, you tick on Share posts to feed at Share options section.
If you want to share posts to joined groups, you tick on Share posts to groups. Next, you enter the number of groups that you want to share into Number of groups section
For example, if you put 1 and 10 into Number of groups section, the bot will randomly share each post to 1 to 10 joined groups.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our Facebook marketing software will run Share posts feature.
C1.4. Rate page
In Action box, you tick on Rate page, then you click on => the Rate the page dialog box will appear. Next, at ID page section, you enter ID of the page that you want to rate (refer to C1.1.1. section to see how to get page UID).
Then, tick on Like Page if you want to like pages before rating pages. Otherwise, you do not tick on Like Page.
Next, you enter the content that you want to review into Review content box (each content is on 1 line).
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Rate page feature.
C1.5. Interact with specific posts
In Action box, you tick on Interact with specific posts => click on => the Interact with specific posts dialog box will display
Next, at Number of posts/account section, you enter the number of posts that you want to interact with each imported Facebook account.
For example, if you enter 3 and 5 into Number of posts/account section, for each imported Facebook account, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) will randomly interact with 3 to 5 specific posts.
Then, in List of post links box, you enter the links of Facebook posts that you want to interact with each imported Facebook account (each link is on 1 line),
Next, you can refer to C1.2.1. Waiting time, C1.2.4. Show emoticons, C1.2.5. Auto comment, C1.2.6. Comment with photo, C1.2.7. Share to feed sections to set up the corresponding sections in the Interact with specific posts dialog box.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Interact with specific posts feature.
C1.6. Interact with joined groups
In Action box, you tick on Interact with joined groups => click on to see the Interact with groups dialog box
C1.6.1. Number of groups
At Number of groups section, you enter the number of groups you want to interact with each imported Facebook accounts
For example, if you enter 2 and 5 into Number of groups section, for each imported Facebook account, our Facebook marketing software will randomly interact with 2 to 5 groups.
C1.6.2. Total time (seconds)
At Total time (seconds) section, you enter the number of seconds you want the bot to interact with each group
For example, if you enter 10 and 30 into Total time (seconds) section, for each imported Facebook account, our Facebook marketing software will randomly interact with each group in 10 and 30 seconds.
C1.6.3. Like
If you want to like posts in groups, you need to tick on Like section. Next, you enter the number of posts you want to like in each group.
For example, if you tick on Like box, then enter 3 and 5 as the following photo, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) will randomly like 3 to 5 posts in each group.
If you do not want to like posts in groups, you do not tick on Like section.
C1.6.4. Share to feed
If you want to share posts in groups to the imported Facebook accounts’ feed, you tick on Share to feed section. Next, you enter the number of posts you want to share.
For example, you tick on Share to feed box, then enter 2 and 4 as the below image, our Facebook marketing software will randomly share 2 to 4 posts from each group.
If you do not want to share posts to imported Facebook accounts’ feed, you do not tick on Share to feed section
C1.6.5. Comment
If you want to comment on posts in groups, you tick on Comment section. Next, you enter the number of comments you want to write in each group
For example, if you enter 3 and 5 into Comment section, the bot will randomly write 3 to 5 comments on posts in each group.
Next, you enter the content of comments you want to write into Comment content box (each content is on 1 line)
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Interact with joined groups feature.
C2. Auto posts features
C2.1. Post on timeline
In Action box, you tick on Post on timeline => click on to see the Post on the timeline dialog box
C2.1.1. Number of posts
At Number of posts section, you enter the number of posts you want to post on the timeline with each imported Facebook account.
For example, you put 3 and 6 into Number of posts section, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) will randomly post 3 to 6 posts on timeline with each imported account.
C2.1.2. Posting interval (seconds)
At Posting interval section, you enter the number of seconds that you want the bot to rest after posting each post.
For example, if you put 10 and 30 into Posting interval section, the bot will randomly rest for 10 to 30 seconds after posting each post.
C2.1.3. Text content
If you want the bot to post on timeline with text content, you tick on Text content section.
- Enter the content you want to post into Text content box (each content is on 1 line)
- If you want to post text content with many lines, you use a vertical bar “|” to separate the content.
For example, you enter the content into the List of content box
All your dreams can come true and I’ll make sure of it.
Live in the sunshine where you belong.
and “My life is better than my daydreams.
Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.
I love my followers more than life itself
the bot will put 2 comments with the following content:
“All your dreams can come true and I’ll make sure of it.
Live in the sunshine where you belong.”
and “My life is better than my daydreams.
Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.
I love my followers more than life itself
- Tick on Use background box if you want to post the imported text content with background, the bot will randomly use Facebook background. Otherwise, you do not tick on Use background box.
If you do not want to post on timeline with text content, you do not tick on Text content section
C2.1.4. Image
If you want to post status on the timeline with photos, you tick on Image box.
- Next, you create a new folder to save images that you want to post => copy and paste the path of the created folder into Image folder section.
- Then, you enter the number of photos you want to upload per post into Number of image per post section.
For example, if you put 1 and 3 into Number of image per post section, the bot will randomly post 1 to 3 photos with each post.
If you do not want to post status on the timeline with photos, you do not tick on Image box.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Post on timeline feature.
C2.2. Post in group
In Action box, you tick on Post in group => click on => the Post in the group dialog box will appear
C2.2.1. Number of groups
At Number of groups section, you enter the number of groups you want to post with each imported Facebook account.
For example, if you enter 2 and 5 into Number of groups section, for each imported Facebook account, our bot will randomly post a post into 2 to 5 groups
C2.2.2. Posting interval (seconds), Text content & Image sections
Please refer to C2.1.2. Posting interval (seconds), C2.1.3. Text content, C2.1.4. Image sections.
C2.2.3. Include tags
If you want to post in groups with tags, you tick on Include tags box => enter the tags you want to post
If you do not want to post in groups with tags, you do not tick on Include tags box
C2.2.4. Enter group ID
At Enter group IDs section, you enter UIDs of groups you want to post (each UID is on 1 line).
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Post in groups function.
C2.3. Post reels
In Action box, you tick on Post reels => click on to see the Post reels dialog box
C2.3.1. Number of reels
At Number of reels section, you enter the number of reels you want the bot to post.
For example, you enter 3 and 5 into Number of reels section, the bot will randomly post 3 to 5 reels with each imported Facebook account.
C2.3.2. Posting interval (seconds)
Please refer to C2.1.2. Posting interval (seconds) section.
C2.3.3. Video folder
You create a new folder to save videos you want to post reels => copy and paste the path of created folder into Video folder section.
C2.3.4. Video description
If you want to post reels with descriptions, you tick on Video description section
- Next, you enter the content you want to post into Content list box (each content is on 1 line).
- Next, in case you you want to post reels with description and hashtags, you tick on Include tags section => enter the hashtags you want to post into List of Hashatg box (each hashtag is on 1 line) => enter the number of hashtags you want to post with each imported content into Number of Hashtag/content section.
For example, if you
- In case you do not want to post reels with hashtags,, you do not need to tick on Include tags section
In case you do not want to post reels with text descriptions, you do not tick on Video description section.
C2.3.5. Loading time (seconds)
At Loading time section, you enter the number of seconds you want to wait for the bot to load videos when uploading reels.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Post reels function.
C2.4. Post stories
In Action box, you tick on Post stories => click on to see the Post stories dialog box
C2.4.1. Number of stories
At Number of stories section, you enter the number of stories you want to post.
For example, if you put 1 and 4 into Number of stories section, our Facebook marketing software will randomly post 1 to 4 stories with each imported Facebook account.
C2.4.2. Posting option
At Posting option section, you choose one of three options: Post music, Post text, Post a photo/video.
- Post music
If you want to post stories with music, you choose Post music at Posting option section.
Then, you can choose one of 2 choices: Random song or Specific song
- You choose Random song if you want to post stories with random songs from Facebook
- If you want to use specific songs to post stories, you select Specific song => enter the song names into List of songs box (each song name is on 1 line)
Then, if you want to use background, you tick on Use background section. Otherwise, you do not tick on Use background section
If you want to post stories with music and images, you can refer to C2.1.4. Image section.
- Post text
If you want to post stories with text, you select Post text at the Posting option section. Next, you enter the content you want to post stories into Story content box (each content is on 1 line). Then, you tick on Use a background section if you want to post content stories with background. Otherwise, you do not tick on Use a background section.
- Post a photo/video
If you want to post stories with photos or videos, you choose Post a photo/video at Posting Option section. Next, you create a new folder to save photos and videos you want to post => copy and paste the path of created folder into Media folder section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box to run Post stories feature.
C3. Watching features
C3.1. Read Notifications
In Action box, you tick on Read Notifications => click on to see the Read Notifications dialog box
Next, at Number of notification section, you enter the number of notifications you want to read with each imported Facebook account.
For example, if you enter 5 and 8 into Number of notification section, for each Facebook account, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) will randomly read 5 to 8 notifications automatically.
Then, at Delay time section, you enter the number of seconds you want the bot to rest after completing reading notifications with each Facebook account.
For example, if you enter 10 and 30 into Delay time section, our Facebook marketing software will randomly rest in 20 to 30 seconds after completing reading notifications with each Facebook account.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our bot will run Read notifications feature.
C3.2. Watch reels
In Action box, you tick on Watch reels => click on to see the Watch reels dialog box
C3.2.1. Watch time (seconds)
At Watch time section, you enter the number of seconds you want the bot to watch each reel.
For example, if you enter 2 and 5 into Watch time section, our bot will randomly watch each reel in 2 to 5 seconds.
C3.2.2. Watch a specific reel
If you want the software to watch specific reels, you tick on Watch a specific reel section. Next, you enter the reel UIDs into List of reel IDs box (each UID is on 1 line).
If you do not tick on Watch a specific reel section, our bot will watch random reels on Facebook.
C3.2.3. Like, Share to feed, Comment sections
Please refer to C1.1.3. Like page, C1.2.7. Share to feed, C1.2.5. Auto – comment sections to set up Like, Share to feed and Comment sections.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run Watch reels feature.
C3.3. Watch videos
In Action box, you tick on Watch videos => click on to see the Watch videos dialog box
C3.3.1. Watch a specific video
If you want the software to watch specific videos, you tick on Watch a specific video section. Next, you enter the video UIDs into List of video IDs box (each UID is on 1 line).
C3.3.2. Watch time, Like, Share to feed, Comment sections
Please refer to C3.2.1. Watch time, C1.6.3. Like, C1.6.4. Share to feed, C1.6.5. Comment sections.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run Watch videos function.
C3.4. Watch videos by keywords
When you run Watch videos by keywords feature, the bot will search for videos with the imported keywords and watch found videos automatically.
In Action box, you tick on Watch videos by keywords => click on to see the Watch videos by keywords dialog box
C3.4.1. List of keywords
You enter the keywords you want to search into List of keywords box (each keyword is on 1 line)
C3.4.2. Watch time, Like, Share to feed, Comment sections
Please refer to C3.3.2. Watch time, Like, Share to feed, Comment sections.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run Watch videos by keywords function.
C3.5. Interact with Facebook pages
In Action box, you tick on Interact with Facebook pages => click on to see the Interact with Facebook pages dialog box
C3.5.1. Number of pages
At Number of pages section, you enter the number of pages you want to interact with each imported Facebook account.
For example, if you put 5 and 10 into Number of pages section, for each imported Facebook account, the bot will randomly interact with 5 to 10 pages.
C3.5.2. List of page IDs
In List of page IDs box, you enter UIDs of Facebook pages you want to interact with (each UID is on 1 line).
C3.5.3. Interaction settings per page configuration
At Total time section, you enter the number of seconds you want the bot to interact with each imported page.
For example, you enter 3 and 6 into Total time section, the bot will randomly interact with each page in 3 to 6 seconds.
Next, for Like, Share to feed, Comment sections, please refer to C3.4.2. section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Interact with FB pages function.
C3.6. Watch stories
In Action box, you tick on Watch stories => click on to see the Watch stories dialog box
Next, please refer to C3.2.1. Watch time, C1.2.4. Show emoticons, C1.2.5. Auto-comment to set up the corresponding sections in Watch stories dialog box.
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Watch stories function.
C4. Group – Page related features
C4.1. Join groups by keywords
When you run Join groups by keywords, our Facebook marketing software will search and join groups based on the imported keywords
In Action box, you tick on Join groups by keywords => click on to see the Join groups based on keywords dialog box
C4.1.1. Number of groups
Number of groups section saves the number of groups you want the bot to join with each imported Facebook account
For example, if you enter 1 and 3 into Number of groups section, for each imported Facebook account, our Facebook marketing software will randomly search and join 1 to 3 groups based on imported keywords
C4.1.2. Delay time (seconds)
At Delay time section, you enter the number of seconds you want the bot to rest after joining groups with each Facebook account.
For example, if you put 2 and 5 into Delay time section, for each Facebook account, our bot will randomly rest for 2 to 5 seconds after joining groups
C4.1.3. List of keywords
You enter keywords you want to use into List of keywords box (each keyword is on 1 line)
C4.1.4. Auto-answer questions
To join some groups, you need to answer the questions from group administrators. You can tick on Auto-answer questions section => enter the content of answers into List of answers box, the bot will answer the required question automatically.
If you do not want the bot to answer questions when joining groups, you do not tick on Auto-answer questions section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our Facebook marketing software will run the Join groups by keywords function.
C4.2. Join groups by IDs
When you run Join groups by IDs feature, the bot will join groups based on imported UIDs.
In Action box, you tick on Join groups by IDs => click on => the Join groups by IDs dialog box will appear
Next, you enter the UIDs of groups you want to join into List of group IDs to join box (each UID is on 1 line)
Then, you refer to C4.1.1. Number of groups, C4.1.2. Delay time, C4.1.4. Auto-answer questions to set up the corresponding sections in Join groups by IDs dialog box.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will run the Join groups by IDs function.
C4.3. Join groups by suggestions
When you run Join groups by suggestion feature, the bot will join groups based on suggestions from Facebook.
In Action box, you tick on Join groups by suggestions => click on => the Join groups based on suggestions dialog box will appear
Next, you refer to C4.1.1. Number of groups, C4.1.2. Delay time, C4.1.4. Auto-answer questions to set up the corresponding sections in Join groups based on suggestions dialog box.
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will run the Join groups by suggestions feature.
C4.4. Leave groups
In Action box, you tick on Leave groups => click on => the Leave the group dialog box will display
Next, you refer to C4.1.1. Number of groups, C4.1.2. Delay time to set up the corresponding sections in Leave groups dialog box
Then, you enter the UIDs of groups you want to leave into List of group IDs box (each UID is on 1 line)
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will run the Leave groups feature.
C4.5. Invite friends to join groups
In Action box, you tick on Invite friends to join groups => click on => the Invite friends to the group dialog box will appear
C4.5.1. Number of friends
Number of friends section saves the number of friends you want to invite to join the imported group with each Facebook account
For example, you enter 3 and 5 into Number of friends section, for each imported Facebook account, the bot will invite randomly 3 to 5 friends to join the group.
C4.5.2. Delay time (seconds)
Please refer to C4.1.2. Delay time (seconds) section.
C4.5.3. Group ID
You enter the UID of the group you want to invite friends to join into Group ID section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Invite friends to join groups feature.
C4.6. Invite friends to like pages
When you run Invite friends to like pages feature, our Facebook marketing software will invite all friends of imported Facebook accounts to like imported pages
In Action box, you tick on Invite friends to like pages => click on => you will see the Invite friends to like pages dialog box
Next, you enter the UIDs of pages you want to like in List page ID to invite box (each UID is on 1 line)
The, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Invite friends to like pages feature.
C5. Friends related features
C5.1. Add friends by keywords
When you run Add friends by keywords function, the bot will search for Facebook users based on imported keywords and add friends to the found users
In Action box, you tick on Add friends by keywords => click on => you will see the Add friends by keywords dialog box
C5.1.1. Number of friends
Number of friends section saves the number of friends you want to add with each Facebook account
For example, you enter 3 and 5 into Number of friends section, for each imported Facebook account, the bot will add randomly 3 to 5 friends.
C5.1.2. Keyword settings
First, you enter the keywords you want to use into List of keywords box (each keyword is on 1 line)
Next, at Friends/keyword section, you enter the number of friends you want to add with each imported keyword
For example, if you enter 1 and 3 into Friends/keyword section, the bot will randomly add 1 to 3 friends with each imported keyword
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Add friends by keywords feature.
C5.2. Add friends by UIDs
In Action box, you tick on Add friends by UIDs => click on => the Add friends by UIDs dialog box will appear
C5.2.1. Number of friends
Please refer to C5.1.1. Number of friends section.
C5.2.2. List of UID
You enter the UID of Facebook users you want to add friends into List of UID box (each UID is on 1 line)
C5.2.3. Add interaction before sending Add friend requests
If you want to interact with Facebook users before sending Add friends requests, you tick on Add interaction before sending Add friend requests section. Next, you refer to C1.6.3. Like, C1.6.5. Comment sections to set up the corresponding section in Add interaction before sending Add friend requests box
If you do not want to interact with Facebook users before sending Add friends requests, you do not tick on Add interaction before sending Add friend requests section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Add friends by UIDs feature.
C5.3. Add friends by groups
When you run Add friends by groups function, the bot will visit the imported groups and send Add friends requests to group members
In Action box, you tick on Add friends by groups => click on => the Add friends by groups dialog box will display
C5.3.1. Number of friends
Please refer to C5.1.1. Number of friends section.
C5.3.2. Group settings
First, you enter the group UID you want to visit into List of group IDs box (each UID is on 1 line)
Next, at Friends/group section, you enter the number of friends you want to add with each group
For example, if you enter 1 and 3 into Friends/group section, the bot will randomly add 1 to 3 friends when it visits each imported group
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, the bot will run the Add friends by groups function.
C5.4. Confirm friend requests
In Action box, you tick on Confirm friend requests => click on => the Confirm friend requests dialog box will appear
Next, you enter the number of friend requests you want to confirm into Number of friends section
For example, if you enter 2 and 5 into Number of friends section, the bot will randomly confirm 2 to 5 friend requests for each imported Facebook account.
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our marketing software will run the Confirm friend requests function.
C5.5. Unfriend
In Action box, you tick on Unfriend=> click on to see the Unfriend dialog box
C5.5.1. Delay time (seconds)
Please refer to C4.1.2. Delay time (seconds) section.
C5.5.2. Unfriend options
At Unfriend options section, you choose one of two options: Randomize friend list and Unfriend by UID
- In case you choose Randomize friend list at Unfriend options section, the bot will randomly unfriend users from the imported Facebook account’s friend list. Next, you enter the number of friends you want to unfriend into Number of friends section
For example, if you enter 3 and 5 into Number of friends section, the bot will randomly unfriend 3 to 5 users from the the imported Facebook account’s friend list
- In case you select Unfriend by UID section, you need to enter the UIDs of users that you want to unfriend into List of UIDs box, the bot will unfriend the imported Facebook users.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our Facebook marketing software will run the Unfriend function.
C5.6. Interact with friends
In Action box, you tick on Interact with friends => click on to see the Interact with friends dialog box
Next, at Number of friends section, you enter the number of friends you want to interact with
For example, if you enter 3 and 6 into Number of friends section, for each imported Facebook account, the bot will randomly interact with 3 to 6 friends
Then, for the Configuration for interaction/friends box, you refer to C1.6.2. Total time (seconds), C1.6.3. Like, C1.6.4. Share to feed, C1.6.5. Comment sections to set up corresponding sections
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will run the Interact with friends function.
C6. Profile features
C6.1. Change passwords
In Action box, you tick on Change passwords => click on to see the Change passwords dialog box
Next, at Choose a new password section, you select one of two options: Random or Specify password
- You choose Random if you want the bot to use random passwords to change passwords for imported Facebook accounts.
- You choose Specify password if you want the bot to change passwords to the new one as you need. Next, you enter new passwords you want into List of passwords box (each password is on 1 line)
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot will run the Change password function.
C6.2. Update avatar
In Action box, you tick on Update Avatar => click on , you will see the Update Avatar dialog box.
Next, you create a new folder to save photos you want to use to update avatars => copy the path of created folder to paste it into Image folder section.
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) software will run the Update avatar function.
C6.3. Upload cover
In Action box, you tick on Upload cover => click on , you will see the Upload cover dialog box.
Next, you create a new folder to save photos you want to use to upload cover => copy the path of created folder to paste it into Image folder section.
Then, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) tool will run the Upload cover function.
C6.4. Delete phone number
To delete phone numbers of imported Facebook accounts, you tick on Delete phone number section in Action box => click Start button in the Control Center box
C6.5. Log out of all sessions
To log out imported Facebook accounts from all devices that logged into these Facebook accounts, you tick on Log out of all sessions section in Action box => click Start button in the Control Center box
C6.6. Enable/Disable 2FA
In Action box, you tick on Enable/Disable 2FA => click on => the Enable/Disable 2FA dialog box will appear
Next, you choose Enable 2FA option if you want to enable 2FA for the imported Facebook accounts => click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box.
Or, you choose Disable 2FA option if you want to disable 2FA for the imported Facebook accounts.=> click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box.
C6.7. Add email
In Action box, you tick on Add email => click on => the Add email dialog box will appear
Next, In case you want to add email to Facebook accounts, you tick on Add email => enter the email you want to add in the format Email|Password|ImapServer|ImapPort (each email is on 1 line)
- You can search on Google for the Imap Server and Imap Port of the email type you want to use.
For example, if you use hotmail accounts, you search on Google for “Imap sever and Imap port of hotmail accounts”, then you will see the Imap Server and Imap Port of hotmail as the following photo
- If you want to use Gmail accounts, you need to turn on 2FA for these Gmail accounts, create app passwords and use app passwords instead of real passwords.
Then, if you want to set the newly added emails as secondary emails, you tick on Set the new email as secondary email. Otherwise, you do not tick on Set the new email as secondary email section.
Next, in case you want to delete the secondary email of Facebook accounts, you tick on Delete the secondary email section.
If you do not want to delete the secondary email, you do not tick on Delete the secondary email section.
Finally, you click Add => click Start button in the Control Center box, our Facebook marketing software will run Add email feature.
C6.8. Change name
In Action box, you tick on Change name => click on => the Change name dialog box will appear
Next, you can select one of two choices: Random Name or User-Defined Name
- In case you want to use random names to change names for imported Facebook accounts, you choose Random Name
- You opt Vietnamese if you want to change Vietnamese names for Vietnamese Facebook accounts
- You select US if you want to change USA names for Facebook accounts
- In case you want to use specific usernames as you want, you choose User-Defined Name => click Lastname => the Enter the list of last names will appear => enter the last names that you want to use (each name is on 1 line) => click Add
Next, you click Middlename => the Enter the list of middlenames will display => enter the middle names that you want to use (each name is on 1 line)
Then, you click Firstname => the Enter the list of first names will display => enter the first names that you want to use (each name is on 1 line)
Finally, you click Add on Change Name box => click Start in the Control center box, our Facebook marketing software will run Change name feature.
Thank you for following our tutorial on how to use FacebookFarming (LDPlayer version) bot.