Youtube Shorts becomes more popular because users tend to watch interesting short videos. Using a YouTube shorts bot to increase views, likes, comments, subscribers, etc. is an effective way to do marketing on YouTube.
- Auto Increase views for YouTube Shorts with multiple methods (direct link, Channel, Facebook source)
- Comment on YouTube Shorts with the imported content automatically
- Increase Likes for YouTube Shorts automatically
- Increase subscribers for YouTube channels automatically
- Dislike YouTube Shorts automatically
- Users can manage and login multiple Gmail accounts with different IPs at the same time
- Users can use rotating proxy
- Frequent & free update
- There are tutorials in text and videos
- Save time and cost
Step 1. Login your account on => click on to see your license system => click on
under QniTubeShorts in SOFTWARE column as below photo
Step 2. Download the QniTubeShorts.rar and 2 useragent files (refer to A6. Devices and Useragent section). Next, you extract the QniTubeShorts.rar => double click on QniTubeShorts folder => double-click on to install the YouTube shorts software
Step 3. You select the language ( en = English or ru = Russia) on Language Choose dialog box => click OK
Then, you will see the interface of YouTube shorts software
You need to set up the following sections before running any function of our YouTube shorts bot.
A1. License Key
To see your Licence table, follow step 1 in part II => click on in ACTION column => paste the license into License Key section.
A2. Run
Run section saves the number of times that you want the YouTube shorts software to run.
For example, you put 1000 into Run section, the bot will stop automatically after finishing 1000 views for your YouTube shorts
Note: In case you leave this section as the default, the software will run continuously until you stop it manually.
A3. Threads
At Threads section, you put the number of tabs that you want the YouTube shorts bot to run at the same time.
For example, if you set 10 in Threads section, the software will open 10 tabs, login 10 accounts with different IPs to watch your YouTube Shorts.
Note: Put a number of threads that complies with your computer configuration (a PC core i7 and 8GB RAM can run 30-50 threads)
A4. Time View Main Video
At Time View Main Video section, you put the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the software to watch your YouTube Shorts
For example, if you enter 15000 and 25000 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value as the following photo, our YouTube shorts software will randomly watch your YouTube short in 15 to 25 seconds.
A5. Time View Related Video
The bot will randomly watch a related video before and after watching the main video in order to simulate real users. At Time View Main Video section, you set the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the software to watch these videos.
For instance, you put 10000 and 20000 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value, our YouTube shorts software will randomly watch the related YouTube shorts in 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
A6. Devices & Useragent sections
If you choose Desktop at Devices section, you need to click on at Useragent (Desktop) section => choose the downloaded desktop useragent file in step 2 of Part II => click Open
If you choose Mobile at Devices section, you need to click on at Useragent (Mobile) section => choose the downloaded mobile useragent file in step 2 of Part II => click Open
Note: The bot will use Desktop useragent file to login Gmail accounts, therefore, you need to upload the Desktop useragent file for the first login.
A7. Proxy Source
There are 5 proxy options
A7.1. Dcom
You select Dcom at Proxy Source section and attach the Dcom to your PC.
A7.2. From Data
You choose From Data at Proxy Source. Then, you need to import proxy with Gmail accounts (refer to section A8. Use Gmail).
A7.3. From File
Firstly, select From File at Proxy Source section
Next, move to File Proxy section, you have 2 choices
- In case you select LinesFromUrl, you paste the proxy URL into File Proxy as the following photo
- Ifn case you select LinesFromFile, you create a new text file to save the proxies one per line in format IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). Click on
at File Proxy => double click on the created proxy file.
A7.4. RRP
You select RRP at Proxy Source section if you rent residential rotating proxy at
A7.5. Do not use proxy
In case you do not have proxy, you can select No proxy at Proxy Source section. The bot will use the IP of your PC.
Note: you should not login too many Gmail accounts with the same IP because these Gmail accounts can be banned.
Refer to to buy proxy
A8. Use Gmail?
A8.1. Do not use Gmail
If you do not want to use Gmail accounts, you select No at Use Gmail section
Next, you enter the number of non-gmail profiles at Non-gmail profile section. The software will randomly create profile without Gmail accounts.
Note: If you select No at Gmail Accounts, you can run the increasing views function only. Using Gmail will make the quality of views better.
A8.2. Use Gmail
When you select Yes at Use Gmail section, you can use Gmail accounts or Gmail cookies
- In case want to use Gmail accounts, you create a text file to enter Gmail accounts
- If you select From Data at Proxy Sources (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you import data in format Gmail,Password,Recovery email,IP:port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). Next, you click on
at Gmail Accounts section => double click on the created Gmail text file.
- If you select From Data at Proxy Sources (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you import data in format Gmail,Password,Recovery email,IP:port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). Next, you click on
- If you select other options (Dcom, From File, RRP, No) at Proxy Sources (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you import data in format Gmail,Password,Recovery email. Next, you click on
at Gmail Accounts section => double click on the created Gmail text file.
- If you select other options (Dcom, From File, RRP, No) at Proxy Sources (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you import data in format Gmail,Password,Recovery email. Next, you click on
- In case you want to use Gmail Cookies (refer to How to rent Gmail cookies), you download the provided Cookies file. Then, click on
at Rented Cookies => select the downloaded Gmail Cookies file. Also, you need to select Yes at Rent Gmail? section.
Note: You can run the view function with Gmail cookies only. If you want to run all functions (like, comment, etc.), you need to use Gmail accounts.
A9. Folder Cookies and Folder Data
- The YouTube shorts bot will store cookies and profiles of the accounts in Folder Cookies, then the bot can use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging into accounts again. Create a new folder named Cookies and get the path to put it into the Folder Cookies section.
- The YouTube shorts bot will save the running result in Data folder. Create a new folder named Data and get the path to put it into the Folder Data section.
A10. Cookies or Profiles? & Create Profiles?
If you want to create Profiles, select Yes at Create Profiles?, the YouTube shorts software will save login status and information of the login device such as device type, screen size, video card, etc. in Folder Cookies. Otherwise, you choose No
Then, at Cookies or Profile? section
- If you select Profiles, the bot will load the created profiles to run.
- If you select Cookies, the YouTube shorts software will load cookies (the login status of Gmail accounts) that are saved in Folder Cookies to run.
- Choosing Profile will take more space but will help to gain trust from YouTube and diminish the drop in views, likes, subscribers, etc.
- If you use Gmail cookies, you choose Cookies in the first run. After all Gmail Cookies are logged in (it often takes several days, depending on the quantity of Gmail Cookies), you select Profile.
A11. Key Captcha
Click on to sign up an account => deposit your account => take the key paste it into Key captcha section. Our YouTube shorts tool will decode the captcha automatically.
A12. Random Delay
At Random Delay section, you enter the range ot time (in milliseconds) that you want the YouTube shorts bot to rest after finishing an action.
A13. Human Activities?
If you want the software to simulate human activities (move the cursor, pause, etc.) during the watching time, you select Yes at Human Activities section. Otherwise, select No.
A14. Skip Ads
If you select Yes at Skip Ads section, the bot will skip the advertisement at the beginning of videos.
If you want the bot to watch the advertisement, you select No at Skip Ads section.
A15. Clear Caches
In normal cases, you choose No at Clear Caches section.
When your hard disk drive space is fully used, select Yes at Clear Caches section. Our YouTube shorts software will remove caches to reduce memory space but Gmails are still in login mode.
B1. Increase views for YouTube shorts automatically
The YouTube shorts bot will watch the YouTube shorts before it likes, comments, or subscribes YouTube Channel. Thus, you need to set up all sections for the view function before running other functions (like, comment, subs, etc.)
Firstly, you select Yes at View Video
Next, at View Method, you select the method that you want to run.
B1.1. Direct
If you choose to run Direct view method, the bot will visit the links you imported and watch those videos.
At View Method, you choose Direct
Next, create a new text file to contain links of YouTube shorts that you want to increase views. You enter each link on one line.
Then, click on at List Video => double click on the created text file of links.
Finally, you check all sections on part A => click OK
B1.2. Channel
In case you run Channel view method, the bot will visit your channel and watch short videos randomly.
At View Method, you choose Channel
Next, you create a new text file to save short video links of channels that you want to run. You enter each link on one line.
Note: Visit the channel, you click on the SHORTS tab, you will see the link that you need to take
Then, click on at List Video => select the created text file of links => click Open
Finally, you check all sections on part A => click OK
B1.3. Facebook
When you run Facebook view method, our YouTube shorts bot will watch videos that are shared on Facebook.
You choose Facebook at View Method
Then, you create a new text file to save links of Facebook posts that share YouTube shorts => at List Video, you click on => double click on the text file of Facebook post links that you have just created.
Note: Steps to get the links of Facebook posts
- Firstly, share the link of YouTube short on Fanpage (if you shared it already, pass this step).
- Secondly, you click on the posting date as the following photo
- Thirdly, you copy the link to paste it into the text file mentioned above
Finally, you check all sections on part A => click OK
Tutorial Video
B2. Auto comment on YouTube shorts
In case you want to run the comment function, you choose Yes at Will Comment? section.
Next, you need to create a text file to enter the content of comments per line. Then, click on at Comment section => double click on the file containing the comments.
Then, you check all basic settings in part A and set up the view method in B1 section
Finally, you click OK
You select No at Will Comment? section if you do not want to run the comment function.
Tutorial Video
B3. Auto like YouTube shorts
If you want the YouTube shorts bot to like the YouTube shorts, you choose Yes at Like Video? section.
Next, you check all basic settings in part A and choose the view method as instructions in B1 section
Then, you click OK
In case you do not want to run the like function, select No at Like Video? section.
Tutorial Video
B4. Auto dislike YouTube shorts
If you want the YouTube shorts software to dislike the YouTube shorts, you choose Yes at Dislike? section.
Next, you check all basic sections in part A and select the view method as instructions in B1 section
Then, you click OK
In case you do not want to run the dislike function, select No at Dislike? section.
B5. Auto increase subscribers for YouTube channels
In case you want the bot to subscribe your YouTube channels automatically, you select Yes at Will Sub? section
Next, at Daily Limit/ Channel, you put the number of subscribers that you want to add to a channel per day.
Then, you check all basic settings in part A and set up the view method in B1 section
Finally, you click OK
In case you do not want to run the subscribe function, you select No at Will Sub? section.
Note: You can run all functions at the same time.
Thank you for following this tutorial on how to run YouTube shorts software.