You can use Instagram follow unfollow bot to manage bulk Instagram accounts and perform all necessary tasks to do marketing on Instagram.
- Check Login for bulk Instagram accounts
- Update Avatar, Bio for bulk Instagram accounts
- Upload Photo
- Upload Photo Watermark
- Auto Follow/ Unfollow Instagram Users
- Search & Follow
- Mass Follow
- Like User’s Photo
- Watch Video
- Message Users
- Comment User’s Photo
- Mass Comment
- Search & Like
- Mass Like
- Auto Scrape Instagram Users
- Turn on 2FA
- Change Name
- Change Name & Username
- Manual Control
Step 1. Login your account on => click on at your username => choose License Key
Step 2. Click on Download button beside QniGram as the following photo, you will see links to download QniGramV2.rar and useragent files (refer to B5.Get Useragent section).
Step 3. You unzip QniGramV2.rar, then double click on and wait for the launching of the software
Step 4. Select the language you want to use on Language Chooser dialog box => click OK
Step 5. Select Run Now if you want to run the Instagram Follow Unfollow bot immediately
If you want to set a schedule, select Schedule Application. Please refer to How to use schedule application
Then, you will see the interface of QniGram bot
After installing our Instagram Follow Unfollow bot, you click on General Settings to see general sections that you need to set up
B1. License Key
Login your account on => click on at your username => choose License Key => take the provided license in KEY column to paste it into License Key section
B2. NumberRun
At NumberRun section, enter the number of times that you want the QniGram Bot to run.
For instance, if you put 500 into NumberRun, our Instagram Follow Unfollow bot will automatically stop after running 500 times successfully.
In case you leave this section as the default, the tool will run continuously, and you can stop it manually anytime you want.
B3. Threads
At Threads section, enter the number of tabs that you want our Instagram Follow Unfollow tool to run at the same time.
For example, in case you enter 7 into Threads section, the bot will run 7 tabs simultaneously.
Note: Remember to enter the thread number that is suitable for your PC configuration.
B4. Folder Cookies & Folder Data
Folder Cookies is the place where QniGram bot saves cookies and profiles of Instagram accounts. Therefore, the bot can use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging into these accounts again. Create a new folder named Cookies => get its path to put into the Folder Cookies section.
Data Folder is the place where our Instagram Follow Unfollow bot saves the results of running. Create a new folder named Data => get its path to put into the Data Folder section.
B5. Get Useragent
B5.1. Use Useragent from file
First, at Get Useragent section, you select From File. Next, you click on at Useragent (Mobi) => select the downloaded useragent file in step 2 of part A.
Note: there are many useragent files, you can download one of them.
B5.2. Use Online Public Key
To use useragent from the public key (it is free), you select Online Public Key at Get Useragent section. In this case, you are allowed to run a maximum number of 3 threads.
B5.3. Use Online Private Key
In case you want to run unlimited threads with useragent online, you select Online Private Key at Get Useragent section. Next, you click on this link to rent a browser fingerprint => get the key and paste it into Online Private Key section.
B6. API Key
Create an account on => deposit your account => get the key to paste it into API Key section. Then, the bot will decode the captcha automatically in case needed.
You click Accounts and Proxies to see sections you need to set up to import proxies and Instagram accounts
C1. Proxy Source
There are 4 choices at Proxy Source section
C1.1. From File
At Proxy Source section, select From File
Next, at File Proxy section, you have 2 choices, consisting LinesFromFile and LinesFromUrl
- In case you select LinesFromUrl, you need to enter the link address of proxy into File Proxy section
- In case you select LinesFromFile, you need to create a new text file to save proxy => enter the proxy in format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any)
Then, click on at File Proxy section => select the created text file of proxy => click Open
C1.2. From Data
At Proxy Source section, select From Data
Then, you need to import proxy with Instagram accounts (refer to B7. Data section)
C1.3. RRP
In case you use residential rotating proxy from, you select RRP at Proxy Source section.
C1.4. No Proxy
You can select No Proxy at Proxy Source if you want to use the IP of your PC to run the bot.
Note: You should not select No Proxy in case you run many Instagram accounts, because your accounts can be banned.
C2. Data
C2.1. Use created Instagram accounts by our Instagram account creator bot
When you use our Instagram account creator bot, the created Instagram accounts will be saved in a group called Not in groups in the Database Manager dialog box. To use these created accounts, you select Not in groups at Data section.
Next, at Restore Cookies section, you select Yes. The bot will restore the created cookies from Instagram account creator bot to run.
Note: the folder cookies that you use for this tool must be the same as that of Instagram account creator bot
C2.2. Import data from other sources
To import Instagram accounts, you click on as the below photo
Then you will see the Database Manager dialog box
You can import Instagram accounts in 2 ways. Please refer to How to import data
- If you select From Data at Proxy Source section, you need to import Gmail (if any), Password (if any), Recovery Email (if any), Proxy, Port, ProxyUsername (if any), ProxyPassword (if any), Instagram Username, Instagram Password, 2FA, Please refer to Template.
- If you choose other options (From File, RRP, No) at Proxy Source section, you need to import Gmail (if any), Password (if any), Recovery Email (if any), Instagram Username, Instagram Password, 2FA. Please refer to Template.
Then, you select the group of Instagram accounts that you want to run at Data section
D1. Check Login
At Action section, you select Check Login
Then, at Data section, you select the group of Instagram accounts that you want to check login
Next, you check all sections in part B
Then, you click OK
The result will be automatically updated in Status column of Database Manager dialog box
YES = the account had been logged in by the software already
NO = the account had not been logged in
Banned = the account had been banned
D2. Update Avatar
Step 1. At Action section, you select Update Avatar
Step 2. Create a folder to contain photos that you want the bot to use as avatars. Next, click on at Image Folder section => upload the created folder
Step 3. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D3. Upload Photo
Step 1. At Action section, you select Upload Photo
Step 2. You need to import the photos that you want the bot to upload. Refer to step 2 in D2. Update Avatar section.
Step 3. If you want to want to upload photos with captions, you create a text file to save caption content (each caption is on 1 line). Next, you click at Caption (Spintax Support) section => double-click on the created text file of caption.
Note: you can use spintax format for this caption text file. For example, if you enter {I} {love|like|am a big fan of} {music}, the bot will post 3 captions, including “I love music”, “I like music”, and “I am a big fan of music”.
Step 4. If you want to upload photos with locations, you select Yes at Set Location? section. Next, if you want to customize the location, you click on at Location section => you will see the default location, you can enter the location you want to post (in spintax format) => click @Test to see the locations that will be used. You can leave this section as the default.
If you do not want to upload photos with locations, you select No at Set Location? section
Finally, you check all sections in part B => click OK
D4. Upload Photo Watermark
Step 1. At Action section, you select Upload Photo Watermark
Step 2. You need to import the photo folder that you want the bot to upload. Refer to step 2 in D2. Update Avatar section.
Step 3. Please refer to Step 3 and Step 4 in D3. Upload Photo section to set up caption and location-related sections.
Step 4. At WaterMark Option section
If you select Username, the bot will use the username of the running account as a watermark
If you select Custom at WaterMark Option section, you need to click on at WaterMark Text section to enter the watermark text you want
Step 5. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D5. Follow Users
Step 1. You select Follow Users at Action section
Step 2. You create a text file to save usernames of Instagram accounts that you want to follow. You can run Scrape Users function to get the usernames in case you do not have a list to follow.
Then, click on at List to Follow/ Message => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Step 3. You set the number of usernames for each Instagram account to follow per run and per day at Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Run and Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Day
For example, if you set up these sections as the following photo. Each thread will stop after logging into 1 Instagram account to follow 3-5 users randomly. And in total, each account will randomly follow 50-70 users per day.
Step 4. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D6. Search and Follow
Step 1. You select Search and Follow at Action section
Step 2. At Search Term section, click on => you will see Generate Lines dialog box => you can enter the term or add/remove the available parts (Tips) => click on @Test to see the term that will be searched. If you do not want to customize the search term, just leave this section as the default.
Step 3. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D7. Mass Follow
Step 1. At Action section, you select Mass Follow
Step 2. You create a text file to enter Instagram usernames that you want to increase followers. The Instagram follow unfollow bot will use all imported Instagram accounts to increase followers for the Instagram username that you import in this step. Next, click on at List to Follow/ Message => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Step 3. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D8. Like User’s Photo
Firstly, at Action section, you select Like User’s Photo
Next, you create a text file to save Instagram usernames that you want to like their photos => click on at List to Follow/ Message => click on the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open.
Then, remember to check all sections in part B => click OK
The bot will visit the imported Instagram accounts and like their latest photo.
D9. Search and Like
Firstly, you select Search and Like at Action section
Secondly, click on at Search Term section => the Generate Lines dialog box will appear => you can enter the term as you want or add/remove the available parts (Tips) => click on @Test to see terms that will be searched. If you do not want to customize the search term, you can leave this section as the default.
Finally, check all sections in part B => click OK
D10. Mass Like
Firstly, at Action section, you select Mass Like
Secondly, you create a text file to save links of the Instagram posts that you want our bot to like
Next, click on
at List to like/comment => select the created text file of Instagram posts => click Open
Thirdly, check all sections in part B => click OK
D11. Watch Video
Step 1. At Action section, you choose Watch Video
Step 2. You create a new text file to save links of Instagram videos that you want the tool to watch.
Then, you click on at List of Posts => choose the created text file of Instagram links => click Open
Step 3. At Sleep section, you set the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the bot to watch videos
For example, if you set up Sleep section as the following photo, the bot will watch each video in 20 to 30 seconds randomly
Step 4. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D12. Comment User’s Photo
Step 1. At Action section, you choose Comment User’s Photo
Step 2. Create a new text file containing the Instagram usernames that you want the bot to comment on their photo => click on at List to Follow/ Message => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Step 3. Create a new text file to save the content of comments per line. Click on at Message/Comment/Bio/Web File section => upload the created text file of comments.
Step 4. Check all sections in part B => click OK
D13. Mass Comment/Mass Comment Reel
Firstly, at Action section, you choose Mass Comment/Mass comment Reel
Secondly, you create a text file to save links of Instagram posts that you want the bot to comment on => click on at List to like/comment => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Thirdly, you import the content that you want the bot to comment. Refer to step 3 in C12. Comment User’s Photo section
Finally, check basic settings in part B => click OK
D14. Unfollow Users
At Action section, you choose Unfollow Users
Next, you set the number of usernames for each Instagram account to follow per run and per run and per day at Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Run and Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Day. Refer to step 3 in C5.Follow Users section.
Then, you check all sections in part B => click OK. This Instagram follow unfollow bot will unfollow the following users of imported Instagram accounts.
D15. Message Followed Users
Step 1. You select Message Followed Users at Action section
Step 2. You create a new text file to put the content of messages per line => click on at Message/Comment/Bio/Web File section => select the created text file of messages=> click Open
Step 3. You set the number of usernames for each Instagram account to follow per run and per run and per day at Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Run and Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Day. Refer to step 3 in C5.Follow Users section.
Finally, check basic settings in part B => click OK. Our tool will send messages to the following users of imported Instagram accounts.
D16. Message List of Users
Firstly, at Action section, you choose Message List of Users
Secondly, you create a text file to save usernames of Instagram accounts that you want to message = > click on at List to Follow/ Message => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Thirdly, you need to import the content that you want our tool to message. Refer to step 2 in C15. Message Followed Users section
Finally. you check all sections in part B => click OK
D17. Scrape Users
When you run this function, the bot will scrape followers of Instagram users that you import in step 2.
Step 1. You choose Scrape Users at Action section
Step 2. You create a text file to save Instagram usernames that you want to bot to scrape their followers => click on at List to Scrape => select the created text file of Instagram usernames => click Open
Step 3. At Scrape Limit (Page) section
- In case you select RandomInteger, you enter the range of pages that you want the bot to scrape followers.
For example, you put 10 and 20 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value, the software will scrape followers in 10 to 20 pages randomly.
- In case you select FixedInteger, you enter the number of pages that you want the software to scrape followers.
Step 4. You check all sections in part B => click OK
Step 5. Open the Data folder that you created in B6. Folder Cookies and Folder Data section, you will see scraped users in a text file name scraped
D18. Update Bio
Firstly, you select Update Bio at Action section
Secondly, you create a text file to save bio per line => click on at Message/Comment/Bio/Web File section => select the created text file of bio => click Open
Finally, you check basic settings in part B => click OK
D19. Turn on 2FA
You choose Turn on 2FA at Action section.
Next, you select the group of Instagram accounts that you want to turn on 2FA at Data section and check all sections in part B => click OK.
D20. Change Name
You choose Change Name at Action section.
Next, you click on Other Settings tab => click on at First Name and Last Name sections to enter the new names you want to change to. You can add or remove the predefined Tips => click on @Test to see the names that will be used.
Finally, you check basic settings in part B => click OK
D21. Change Username and Name
You choose Change Username and Name at Action section in Action Module tab
The new username will be Firstname + Lastname + Username Ending, so you need to set up the corresponding sections in Other Settings tab. You click on Other Settings tab => click on at First Name, Last Name, Username Ending sections to enter the new names you want to change to. You can add or remove the predefined Tips => click on @Test to see the names and username endings that will be used.
D22. Manual Control
At Action section, you choose Manual Control => click OK
Then, you click on Show Browser to control each tab manually.
Thank you for following this tutorial on how to use our Instagram follow unfollow bot.