Quora marketing bot - Quora autu answer bot

Auto answer on Quora using Quora automation tool – Quora Auto Upvote Bot

Quora is one of the largest Q&A platforms worldwide to connect with hundreds of millions of target customers. It has been a successful platform in building marketing strategies for more businesses and individuals. Besides, Qnibot’s QuoraAutomation also helps you to auto answer on Quora and boost that answer with thousands of upvotes. Before getting into how to use the Quora automation, you can consider the unexpected benefits of creating multiple answers on Quora:

Unxpected benefits of QuoraAutomation tool – Auto Answer on Quora

Higher visibility: With thousands of answers on Quora, your profile is more likely to be shown higher and thereby attract more new followers. Then it leads to more engagement on your content.

Branding: By consistently providing valuable and informative answers, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field. That helps build trust in the eyes of customers or potential customers.

Data Analytics: After generating thousands of answers on Quora, you have the potential to gain valuable insights about user behavior, preferences and trends. Accordingly, that enables you to optimize your content strategy and improve your overall performance on the platform.

In addition, QuoraAutomation with diverse features will accompany you throughout the marketing journey, especially Upvotes. It helps you increase upvotes to your answer and boost the answers quickly to the TOP. Then, your brand account will be more reputable and stays ahead of the others. Ultimately, answers with the high ranking are more likely to customize SEO and drive traffic to your site. 

Main features of QuoraAutomation Tool – Auto Answer on Quora

  • Scrape Links of posts having more followers 
  • Auto-Answer on Quora
  • Scrape Space Followers
  • Upvote and DownVote
  • Follow Posts
  • Follow Users
  • Update Quora profiles (name, avatar, bio)
  • Manual Control
  • Open multi-threads and browsers 
  • Emulate thousands of virtual devices
  • Use different IPs to run

Here is the main interface of QuoraAutomation:

Quora automation interface

How to use QuoraAutomation to auto answer on Quora 

A. General Settings – Auto Answer on Quora

A1. License Key

COPY the License Key after purchasing the bot at qnibot.com/license

License Key - quora auto answer bot

A2. Run

Set the number of times that you want the software to run successfully. You can leave it as the default.

Number of times to create answers on Quora

A3. Threads

Represent the number of browsers, accounts, or tabs that run at the same time. You should set the number of threads are appropriate to your computer configuration. For example: 1 PC with 64GB RAM, core i9 can be used to open 80-100 threads simultaneously.

number of browsers_quora answer bot

A4. Useragent (Desktop)

Download the Useragent (Desktop) after purchasing the Quora bot and add the file to the bot as shown:

web browsers to run Quora Answer Bot

A5. IP Option – Auto Answer on Quora

A5.1 From Data

If you wanna use a separate proxy assigned to each account, then choose from Data and import proxies along with your accounts into Database Manager box:

Database Manager - Quora auto answer tool

Database Manager Box will be displayed and then you enter your proxies as below:

Proxy data - boost Quora answers to the top

See Instruction on how to import data for more details.

Finally, choose group of accounts and proxies to use:

group of Quora accounts - automatically answer on Quora

A5.2 From File

In case you use proxy file, click on Linesfromfile and click on the icon to add the file: 

quora answer software - url proxy

We highly recommend the proxy provider proxygeo.com.

A5.3. No proxy (your network IP)

This option should not be used to open multiple threads. You should use proxy to avoid being banned by Quora and get the best performance. 

You need to use the proxy with the format as IP:PORT:USER:PASS or IP:PORT

A6. Accounts

You need to enter the fields: registered email,password,email2 (recoveryemail),IP (if needed),PORT (if needed). 

See Instruction on how to import data for more details.

A7. Folder Cookies and Data

Cookies Folder: Create a folder named cookies and then put the path link on the bot. 

Cookies folder stores login state and profiles of your gmail accounts, so that the Quoraautomation will not be required to re-login for each time to run. Accordingly, you should save this folder in a disk with the most empty space.

gmail cookies - quora marketing software

Data folder: take the same as Cookies folder, this folder will automatically save collected results after running.

A8. Sleep (Milliseconds)

Sleep means the break time between 2 actions. You can customize the time as per your need. 

sleep time while creating bulk answers on Quora

A9. Restore cookies

In case you choose Yes, the bot will use cookies that are available in the cookies folder to login.

And when you choose No, the software will login into accounts again. 

cookies - quoraautomation

A10. Change Useragent

There are about 50,000 useragents provided in the Useragent desktop file (See Section A4 more).

if you want to change the useragent immediately, you choose Yes, otherwise choose No.

Useragents - quora answer bot

A11. Key 2captcha

Register account at 2captcha.com and put the API key on the bot, so that the software will solve the captcha if any. 

Key 2captcha - how to create unlimited answers on Quora

B. Instruction on using each function of QuoraAutomation Bot

Choose a single function that you want to run: 

fuctions - quora automation bot

B1. Scrape Topic Link

Click on Scrape Topic Link at Choose Action field => Set Keywords and Link Per Tag fields, the software will search for keywords and collect the related topics. 

B1.1 Keywords

Create a text file containing keywords that you want to search on Quora. 

Enter keywords line by line in a text file and click on the icon to put the file on the bot at Keywords field: 

keyword to scrape Quora topic links

B1.2 Link Per Tag (Keyword)

Specify the number of links of posts that you want to get from each keyword at Link Per Tag field: 

number of links to scrape per tag - quora scraper bot

Finally, you can get scraped links in the Results section (see B1. Reg with Google more) or Data folder:

results after scraping links on quora

B2. Scrape Links from Space

The software will automatically scrape links of posts from Spaces that have more followers. 

Enter your space links in a text file and then add the file to the bot at Link of Spaces field:

scrape link of spaces - quora scraper tool

Tutorial Video

B3. Scrape Space Followers

You can use post links collected after running Scrape Links from Space to scrape followers of these spaces. This list will be automatically saved in the Data folder. 

Then, at Link Of Space field, put the associated file on the bot as instructed in Section B2.

Tutorial Video

B4. Answer Topic

At Choose Action, choose Answer Topic.

B4.1 Link to Answer  – Auto Answer on Quora

First, add links to answer at Link To Answer field: 

links to answer on Quora

B4.2 Post Content – Boost Answers on Quora

Then, compose content to answer at Post Content field:

  1. You can choose RandomString to use the available content from the software and or customize it: 

content to answer on Quora automatically

     2. Choose LinesFromFile and put the file on the bot at Post Content field:

content files - auto-answer on Quora

B4.3 Image Folder 

If you choose Yes at Will Answer with Image?, then the software will attach random images to post in the answers. 

answer on Quora automatically with image

Next, enter images in the Image folder and then put the folder to the bot at Image Folder field:

How to answer on Quora with image

B5. Upvote and Downvote

B5.1 Upvote 

Enter links to upvotes in a text file and put the icon to upload the file to the bot: 

boost quora answers to the Top Quora

B5.2 Downvote – Auto Answer on Quora

Similar to do Upvote, then you put the link to downvote on the bot at Link to Upvote field.

B6. Follow Post

At Choose Action field, then choose Follow Post.

Next, put the links of post on a text file and upload the file to the bot at Link Posts to Follow:

Quora follow bot

B7. Follow User

Add name of users line by line to do follow in a text file and upload the file at List Users to Follow field:

List users to follow on Quora

B8. Create Question

Put your questions in a txt file and upload the file at Questions field: 

How to make questions on Quora

B9. Change Name

You can adjust First Name and Last Name as instructed in Section B1. Reg with Google

Then click on OK to run after checking all the general settings. 

Tutorial Video 

B10. Change Avatar

Create a folder containing avatars that you need to update and add the folder to the bot at Image folder filed: 

Quora Auto Update Avatar Tool

B11. Change BIO

Set the content of BIO that you want to change as shown below:

You can choose @Test to preview BIO and use available tips to customize it: 

Quora Auto Update BIO Tool

B12. Manual Control – Auto Answer on Quora

To be able to control your accounts manually, then you choose Manual Control at Choose Action field.

Then check all the general settings and click on OK to run => open each browser to control. 

B13. Report Profile

This option helps you to report bulk profiles or users.

Enter list of users that you need to report and then put the file at List Users to Follow field.

list users to report on Quora - Quora report tool

Then compose the content to report and add the file at Report Explain field:

Content to report on Quora

B14. Report Answer

Choose Report Answer in the Choose Action field.

Create a txt file to add the Answer links to report.

Click on the icon at Link to Answer field ==> upload the associated file.

links of post to report on quora

Next, add the content file to report at Report Explain field: 

quoraautomation bot

How much does QuoraAutomation cost?


Thank you for following the tutorial.

We hope you find this manual helpful. 

For more information, please contact us at qnibot.com.

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