Youtube playlist bot – Create Youtube playlists in bulk – Auto insert video to playlists

Creating Playlists is a good way to keep viewers watching similar content videos of your channel. Therefore, using a YouTube playlist bot to create many playlists as you want will help develop your channel quickly.


  • Create multiple YouTube playlists automatically
  • You can customize the number of videos, titles, tags of playlists that will be created
  • Auto insert videos into YouTube playlists
  • You can customize the position of videos that will be inserted
  • You can manage unlimited accounts and playlists
  • Support using proxy
  • Multi-threads running
  • Free and frequent update



Step 1. Visit => login your account => click on   to see your license system => click on under YouTubePlaylist in SOFTWARE column 

youtube playlist - download

Step 2. Download the YoutubePlayListPro.rar and the provided desktop useragent file(refer to B3. Useragent (Desktop) section). Next, you extract the YoutubePlayListPro.rar => open YoutubePlayListPro folder=> double click on and wait for launching the bot 

Step 3. The Language Choose dialog box will appear, you select the language ( enEnglish or ruRussia) => click OK

youtube playlist bot - choose language

Then, you will see the interface of YouTube playlist bot

youtube playlist -interface


You need to set up these basic setting sections before running any features of this YouTube Playlist tool

B1. License Key

Take step 1 in part A, you can see your license in KEY column. Click on  in ACTION column => paste the license into License Key section.

youtube playlist - license key

B2. Run

At Run section, you enter the number of times that you want the YouTube playlist software to run successfully.

For example, you put 100 into Run section, the YouTube playlist tool will automatically stop after running 100 times successfully.

If you leave this section as the default, the software will run continuously, you can stop it manually at anytime you want.

B3. Useragent (Desktop)

At Useragent (Desktop) section, you click on  => choose the useragent file that you downloaded in step 2 of part A => click Open

youtube playlist - useragents

B4. Threads 

Threads section saves the number of tabs that you want to run at the same time.

For instance, you run create playlist function and put 15 into Threads section, the YouTube playlist bot will open 15 tabs and create 15 playlists simultaneously.

youtube playlist software - threads

B5. IP Options

B5.1. Dcom

If you want to use Dcom, select Dcom at IP Options section and attract the Dcom to your PC.

youtube playlist tool  -dcom

B5.2. Use Proxy

At IP Options section, you select Useproxy. Then, you need to import Proxy with Gmail accounts (refer to B6. Gmail section)

youtube playlist tool  - use proxy

B5.3. File Proxy

Firstly, at IP Options section, you select Fileproxy

youtube playlist tool - fileproxy

Then, you move to File Proxy section, you can select one of two options (LinesFromUrl or LinesFromFile)

  • In case you choose LinesFromUrl, you put the proxy URL into File Proxy section

youtube playlist bot - proxy url

  • In case you select LinesFromFile, you create a new text file to contain proxy in format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). Then, click on   at File Proxy section =>double click on the created text file of proxy 

youtube playlist bot - file proxy

B5.4. No Proxy

If you do not want to use proxy, you can select No Proxy at IP Options section. The bot will use the IP of your PC.

youtube playlist bot - no proxy

B6. Gmail

Gmail sections save information of Gmail accounts that the bot will login then run the function that you want.

Click on at the bottom left corner of the YoutubePlayListPro interface => you will see the Database Manager dialog box

youtube playlist bot -import data

Refer to How to import data, you will see instructions on how to import Gmail accounts.


  • In case you select From Data at IP Options (refer to B5. IP Options section), you need to import Email, Password, Recovery Email (Email 2), Proxy, Port, Proxy Username (if any), Proxy Password (if any), Channel Name (if any), Channel Url (if any). Please refer to Template.
  • In case you select other options (From File, RRP, No Proxy) at IP Options (refer to B5. IP Options section), you need to import Email, Password, Recovery Email, Channel Name (if any), Channel Url (if any). Please refer to Template.
  • You import the Channel Name section if you want to customize the channel, refer to B12. Custom Channel?. Otherwise, you can leave the ChannelName column blank.
  • You enter the Channel Url in case you run the Insert Video function (refer to C2. Insert Video section). Otherwise, you can leave the ChannelUrl column blank.
  • The Playlist Name and Playlist URL columns will be updated automatically after the software runs successfully.

Then, close the Database Manager dialog box => at Gmail section, select the group of Gmail accounts that you want to use

youtube playlist bot - gmail

B7. Folder Cookies

The YouTube playlist bot will save cookies of Gmail accounts in Folder Cookies, so the bot can use cookies for the next runs without logging into these accounts again. You need to create a new folder named Cookies => get its path to put into the Folder Cookies section.
youtube playlist bot - folder cookies

B8. Random Delay

You set the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the YouTube playlist software to rest between 2 actions.

youtube playlist bot - random delay

B9. Folder Data

Create a new folder named Data => get its path to put into the Folder Data section. The YouTube playlist bot saves the results of running in this Data Folder.

youtube playlist bot - folder data

B10. Sleep

You set the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the YouTube playlist tool to sleep after finishing a thread.

youtube playlist bot -sleep

B11. Key

You create an account on => deposit your account => take the key to paste it into Key section 

youtube playlist bot - key 2captcha

B12. Custom Channel?

In case you choose No at Custom Channel?, the software will automatically create playlists for the default YouTube channel if the imported YouTube account has many channels. 

youtube playlist bot - do not custom channel

In case you want to customize a specific YouTube channel, you select Yes at Custom Channel?. Remember to enter the Channel Name when you import Gmail accounts (refer to B6. Gmail section).

youtube playlist bot - custom channel

B13. Insert Video Directly

  • In case you select No at Insert Video Directly section, the bot will stop the threads after creating a playlist.

youtube playlist bot - insert video directly

  • In case you select Yes at Insert Video Directly section, the bot will continue to add videos to the playlist after creating that playlist.

Next, you need to set up the Link To Insert, Video/Playlist, Video Position sections

    • Create a text file to save links of YouTube videos that you want to insert => click on  at Link To Insert section => double click on the created text file of video links 

youtube playlist bot - link to insert

    • You enter the number of videos that you want the bot to add to each playlist at Video/Playlist section

For example, you add 2 and 6 into Minumum Value and Maximum Value, the software will randomly add 2 to 6 videos to a created playlist.

youtube playlist bot - video/playlist

    • At Video Position section, you enter the number of position that you want the software to add videos to playlists 

For example, you add 1 and 4 into Minumum Value and Maximum Value, the software will randomly add a video to the first to the fourth position into a playlist.

youtube playlist bot - video position


C1. Create Playlist

At Action section, you select Create Playlist

youtube playlist bot - create playlist

Next, you create a text file to save the titles of playlists that you want to create per line. Then, click on   at Playlist Title section => double click on the created text file of titles.

youtube playlist bot - title

Then,  you create a text file to enter the tags that you want to post when the bot creates playlists per line. Then, click on  at Tag List section => click on the created text file of tags => click Open

youtube playlist bot - tag

Finally, you check all sections in part A => click OK 

C2. Insert Video

In case you want to insert videos to existing playlists, you select Insert Video at Action section. Remember to import Channel Url (refer to B6.Gmail section) and select Yes at Insert Video Directly section (refer to B13 section). 

youtube playlist bot - insert video

Then, you check all sections in part A => click OK 

You can click on Show Browser to see how the YouTubePlaylist tool works.

youtube playlist bot - show browsers

Tutorial Video

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