Use YouTubeLiveChat bot to increase youtube livestream views, likes and chat automatically. Then, your livestream can attract more viewers, you can increase the efficiency of marketing and create more profit for your business.
- Auto Increase YouTube livestream Views
- Auto chat on YouTube livestream videos
- You can customize the content of chat and the watching time
- The bot can search top live-stream videos and comment on these videos
- The bot can manage unlimited YouTube accounts
- The software can run multiple accounts simultaneously
- You can use rotating proxy
- Save time and cost
- Free and frequent update
Step 1. Login your account on our website Click on under YouTubeLiveChat in SOFTWARE column as the following photo
Step 2. Download the YouTubeLiveChar.rar and provided desktop useragent file(refer to B6. Useragent (Desktop) section). Then, you unzip the YouTubeLiveChar.rar => open YouTubeLiveChar => double click on to install the software
Step 3. On the Language Choose dialog box, you choose the language ( en = English or ru = Russia) => click OK
Step 4. In Start Type dialog box
- In case you want to set a schedule for the YouTube livestream view tool to run later, you select Schedule Application and refer to How to use schedule application to see the tutorial.
- In case you want to run the bot immediately, you select Run Now => click ok
The interface of YouTube livestream view bot will appear
B1. License Key
Follow step 1 in part A, you will see your license in KEY column. Click on in ACTION column to take the license and paste it into License Key section.
B2. Run
Run section presents the total number of views that you want the YouTubeLiveChat software to watch your YouTube livestream videos.
For example, if you put 200 into Run section, the bot will automatically stop after running 200 views.
If you do not define the number of views that you need, you can leave Run section as the default and stop the bot anytime you want manually.
B3. Threads
At Threads section, you put the number of viewers you want to get at the same time.
For example, if you enter 10 into Threads section, the bot will open 10 tabs and give 10 viewers simultaneously
Note: the number of threads depends on your PC configuration (1 core CPU can run 5-7 threads)
B4. Gmail
The software will login Gmail accounts that you imported in this section to watch, like or comment on livestream videos.
To import Gmail accounts, you click on at the bottom left corner of the YouTubeLiveChat interface
Next, you will see the Database Manager dialog box where you import Gmail accounts
Refer to How to import data, you will see steps to import Gmail accounts.
- In case you select From Data at Proxy Source (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you need to import Email, Password, Recovery Email, Proxy, Port, Proxy Username (if any), Proxy Password (if any). Please refer to Template.
- In case you select other options (From File, RRP, No Proxy) at Proxy Source (refer to B7. Proxy Source section), you need to import Email, Password, Recovery Email. Please refer to Template.
- In case you use Gmail Cookies (refer to B15. Rent Cookies section), you do not need to set up this section.
Finally, you select the group of Gmail accounts that you want to use at Gmail section
B5. Video Option
B5.1. Random
If you select Random at Video Option section, the bot will increase YouTube livestream views for a random video.
B5.2. List
In case you choose List at Video Option section, the bot will increase YouTube livestream views for the videos that you imported into List Video section.
At List Video section, you can import video links in 2 ways.
- If you select LinesFromFile, you create a text file to save links of videos that you want the bot to watch.
Next, click on at List Video section, double click on the created text file of links
- If you select LinesFromUrl, you paste the link of video that you want to increase youtube livestream views into List Video section
B6. Useragent (Desktop)
You click on at Useragent (Desktop) => select the downloaded useragent file In step 2 of part A
B7. Proxy Source
There are 4 options at Proxy Source section
B7.1. From File
At Proxy Source section, you choose From File
Then, at File Proxy section, you can select one of two choices ( LinesFromFile or LinesFromUrl)
- If you choose LinesFromUrl, you put the proxy URL into File Proxy section
- If you choose LinesFromFile, you create a new text file to contain proxy in format IP:Port or IP:Port:ProxyUsername (if any):ProxyPassword (if any). Then, click on
at File Proxy section =>double click on the created text file of proxy
B7.2. From Data
At Proxy Source section, you choose From Data. Then, you need to import proxy with Gmail accounts (refer to B4. Gmail section)
B7.3. RRP
In case you rent residential rotating proxy from, you select RRP at Proxy Source section.
B7.4. No Proxy
You can select No Proxy at Proxy Source if you want to use the IP of your PC to run the bot.
Note: If you use 1 IP to run views only, your Gmail accounts can be banned and the quality of the view will decrease.
You can rent safe and cheap proxy at
B8. Cookies Folder & Data Folder
Create a new folder named Cookies => get its path to put into the Folder Cookies section. The YouTubeLiveChat bot will save cookies of Gmail accounts in Folder Cookies, so the bot can use cookies for the next runs without logging into these accounts again.
Data Folder is the place where the YouTubeLiveChat bot saves the results of running. Create a new folder named Data => get its path to put into the Folder Data section.
B9. Restore Cookies
You select Yes at Restore Cookies, the software will load the existing cookies to run without login step.
Note: you select Yes at Restore Cookies when the cookies are created already.
You select No at Restore Cookies, the bot will login Gmail accounts normally before running views
B10. Will Chat?, Comment, Chat Per Account sections
If you want the bot to chat while it is watching the YouTube livestream videos, you select Yes at Will Chat section
Next, you create a new text file to save the content of comments per line. Then, at Comment section, you click on => double click on the created comment file
Then, at Chat Per Account section, you set the number of chats that you want each account to do.
If you do not want to run comment feature, select No at Will Chat section
B11. Like Video
If you want the software to like the livestream, you select Yes at Like Video section. Otherwise, you select No
B12. Watch Time
You enter the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the YouTubeLiveChat software to watch your livestream video.
For example, if you put 60000 and 120000 into Minumum Value and Maximum Value, the bot will watch livestream videos in 1 minute to 2 minutes randomly.
B13. Random Delay
You put the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the bot to rest between two actions.
B14. Key Captcha
You create an account on => deposit your account => get the key to paste it into Key Captcha section
B15. Rent Cookies
In case you rent Gmail cookies from our website. You select Yes at Rent Cookies section.
Refer to How to rent Gmail cookies
After you make payment for Gmail cookies, you will receive a link of cookies file => download the Gmail cookies file => click on at File Reneted Cookies section => select the downloaded cookies file => click Open.
Note: you can use Gmail cookies to run views function only. If you want to run like and comment function, you need to use Gmail accounts
If you do not use Gmail cookies, you select No at Rent Cookies section.
Finally, you click OK
Then, if you want to see how the bot runs, you can click on Show Browser