tiktok bot - tiktokautomation

TikTok Auto Uploader – Upload Videos – Auto Follow – Comment on TikTok

TikTok has become an all too familiar platform for our lives. It has grown from the first years to now with massive traffic. Thanks to the virality of the platform and trending and creative contents, it is a great place for you to execute your marketing strategy and increase your profits instantly. Besides, our feature-rich TikTok bot will also greatly contribute to your growth on TikTok. Let’s take a look at all of what our TikTok Auto Uploader (commonly known as TikTokAutomation) can do in this article.

I. Purpose of using TikTokAutomation software

The purpose of using TikTok Automation software is to simplify the process of performing TikTok marketing campaigns. It allows businesses and individuals to automate repetitive tasks such as: frequent video uploading, engagement optimization, freeing up time and resources for other aspects of the campaign. In addition, the TikTok Automation software provides the ability to manage multiple accounts, assign a targeted audience for the campaign, and also improve an engagement to your channel. Ultimately, Tiktok auto uploader bot facilitates you to grow your TikTok channel comprehensively.

  • Automations of Tiktok auto uploader:
  1. Login with bulk Google accounts automatically;
  2. Auto upload videos in bulk; 
  3. Auto boost engagement (views, likes, comments, follows) using multi browsers; 
  4. Search and Follow;
  5. Search and Comment; 
  6. Collect users by video links;
  7. Check profile status. 

II. Unexpected Rewards of TikTok Auto Uploader

The unexpected rewards of using a TikTok Auto Uploader include:

  • Cost-effectiveness and time-saving: The above automations of TikTokAutomation frees up time for other aspects of the marketing campaign, such as content creation, frequent trending updates, picking best time to upload your videos, etc. thereby, maximizes the efficiency of the marketing campaign.
  • Consistency: Automated content uploading ensures a consistent posting schedule, which helps enhance brand recognition and maintain a strong position on the platform.
  • Increased efficiency: Uploading videos automatically along with Residential Proxy helps reduce the chance of errors that commonly happen when posting them manually.
  • Better engagement: TikTokAutomation helps you scrape more target audiences and quickly get more engagement. Also, it helps rank your keyword and usernames higher by searching them before increasing comments and follows.

III. How to set up TikTok Auto Uploader – TikTokAutomation

1. Check all the general settings – TikTok Auto Uploader


A. License Key: 

Visit qnibot.com to get License Key

Login name - Tiktok auto uploader

B. Run:

Represents the number of times that the software runs successfully. You can leave it as default so that the tool keeps on running without interruption provided that you are using Residential Rotating proxy. 

the number of times to run TikTokautomation

C. Threads:

Set the number of threads that suit your devices. Eg: for 1 configuration with RAM 8GB and core i7, you can set 35-40 threads in maximum. That means 35-40 browsers run in the background at the same time. Then, you can set more threads with a stronger CPU. 


D. Create profiles?

If you prefer the tool to create profiles to your accounts, then you choose Yes at Create profile, otherwise choose No.


Difference between cookies and profiles: 

Cookies store the status of login only. It takes almost no space, but is not as reliable as profiles (See Section G. Cookies Folder more) 

Profiles save all login information and characteristics of login device like Device type, screen size, video card, etc. Creating Profiles takes lots of space on disk but it helps make your gmail accounts look more reliable than using cookies.

E. Useragent (Desktop): 

Please download Desktop Useragent file that is provided and then tap on Phần mềm Tiktok to put it at Useragent (Desktop) field shown below:


F. Change Useragent?

You tap on Accounts and Proxies section, you’ll see the option to change User-agents. With thousands of user-agents in the file, If you need to change user-agents, then you choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No


G. Cookies Folder

This is where your accounts’ login status (cookies) is stored, then you should use the disk with the most free space. After your accounts are logged in successfully and save cookies. The software will automatically load cookies for the next runs without re-login.

You create a folder named cookies and paste the path to the software: 


H. Data folder

Data folder stores the collected results such as: scraped, liked, commented users and links, followed users, etc. 

You create a folder named Data and paste the path into the tool: 


I. Cap.guru API key

To solve TikTok captcha, you need to register an account at https://cap.guru/en/ and get your API to the software at TikTok Captcha API section.


K. Sleep time

Enter the range of time (in milliseconds) that you want the bot to rest after each run. For example, you put 30000 and 60000 into Minimum Value and Maximum Value sections, the TikTok Auto Uploader bot will rest randomly for 30 seconds to 1 minute before starting the next run.


2. Required settings – Accounts and Proxies Section 


2.1. How to import TikTok accounts to the Database Manager dialog box – Account section

You are required to import your TikTok accounts to the Database Manager box before using the major functions of the tool. 

For more details, please refer to how to import data HERE

For TikTokAutomation tool, you need to fill in 4 details fully in the Database Manager dialog box: email, password, TikTok username, TikTokpassword. If you have no email, then you copy the TikTok username into the email column. 


Next, check ✓ into group of account that you want to run as shown: 

Group of accounts - TikTok Auto Bot

2.2. Proxy source (IP Option) – TikTok Auto Uploader


To increase your success rate and help protect your account from being banned, you need to use different IPs as well as rent proxies to manage a large number of accounts. Refer to the quality proxies HERE. This tool supports https proxy with format as IP:PORT:USER:PASS or IP:PORT.

2.2.1 From Data

If you want to use each IP assigned to each account, then you choose From Data at IP Option field and then put your IP and your tiktok accounts to the Database Manager dialog box.


Or you can follow Item 2.1 more and How to import Data HERE

2.2.2. From File

In case you use proxy file, then you add list of proxies in a txt file and choose LinesfromFile  => tap on the icon Phần mềm Tiktok  to put it at File Proxy field:


2.2.3. No proxy (your IP)

This option is used to test the software only. To protect your accounts from being locked out, you should not run multiple threads with the same IP.

Notes: Please complete all of the above settings before using the functions of TikTokAutomation. 

3. Manual for various functions – TikTok Auto Uploader


3.1. Farm account

This feature is used to seed newly create accounts by browsing TikTok feeds, watching and like any videos or follow any users at random. 

First, you need to choose Farm account at Action field and import list of TikTok accounts that you need to farm into the Database Manager dialog box.

Refer to Section 2.1 for more instructions about HOW TO IMPORT DATA

Next, you choose group of data for the tool to use properly:


3.2. Upload Video – TikTok Auto Uploader

Select Upload Video at Action field. 

Next, you save your videos in Data folder (make sure your videos are MP4 format): 

Data to upload videos on TikTok


In addition to adding your TikTok accounts (Follow Section 2.1), you need to import these details to upload videos: video name, title, tag as follows: 

  • Video Name: videoname.mp4
  • Title: title of your video
  • Tag: note that there is no space between words of a single tag.


Later, you choose group of accounts for the tool use properly:


Finally, you click OK to run


3.3. Watch Video – TikTok Auto Uploader

Choose Watch Video at Action.

Next, save your video links to a txt file and tap on the icon Phần mềm Tiktok to put the file at Link Videos field: 


Then, set watch hours to your videos at Watch Time field (Unit: milliseconds): 

Increase watch hours on TikTok


3.4. Like Video

Choose Like Video at Action field. 

Please follow Item 3.3 to add video links at Link video field and enter OK to run. 

Keep in mind that to use this function, you set Watch Time shorter than the length of the video: 

watch time - tiktok auto follow bot


3.5. Comment Video

Select Comment Video at Action field.

After that, you follow all the steps at Item 3.3 to add video links at Link video field. 

Next, write the comment content to a txt file and put the file at Comment field: 


You can use Spintax for the comment content, refer how to use Spintax HERE

Finally, you click OK to run. 

3.6. Comment Livestream

This feature is similar to the Section 3.5, but you add link of live videos at Link Videos field. 

Complete the steps at Section 3.5. Comment video and press OK to run. 

3.7. Comment User’s Video

This is to comment on videos of list of specified users.

Put your comment file as instructed at Item 3.5 at Comment field

Next, create a text file containing Users and add the file to the bot at List to follow as shown:


Finally, you click OK to run. 


3.8. Search and Comment

At Action section, select Search and Comment.

Tap on the icon Phần mềm Tiktok as shown and put the comment content file to the software at Comment field (See item 3.5 for more details)

settings to do comment on TikTok

Next, prepare your keywords that you want to search on TikTok in a txt file.

At Search Terms field, click on  LinesFromFile => tap on the icon Phần mềm Tiktok => put the file at Search Terms field: 



Or you can use random keywords from the bot: At Search Terms section, click on Randomstring and tap on the icon sửa-1.png (22×30) => @Test to preview keywords.


Finally, press OK to run.


3.9. Follow users

At Action field, choose Follow users.

Create a text file which contains links of profiles that you want to follow and add the file to the bot as shown:


  • At Follow/Unfollow each Run (number of follows for each run) and Pause Between Follow (time to wait between following times), customize the time as you want (unit: milliseconds)

TikTok Unfollow Bot


3.10. Unfollow users

Choose Unfollow users at Action field.

Next, complete similar steps as mentioned at item 3.9. Follow users and press OK to run. 

3.11. Search and Follow

At Action section, select Search and Follow.

Create a text file which contains Users (with LinesFromFile) or use RandomString at Search Terms field. Follow Section 3.8 for more details. 



3.12. Scrape Users

This is to scrape users that commented on videos. 

Choose Scrape Users to run.

Create a text file which contains links of videos that you want to scrape from.

At Link Videos field, click Phần mềm Tiktok => put the file and click OK to run:


3.13. Mass Follow

This feature helps boost followers to your brand account.

Create a text file to put name of users or your brand account. Accordingly, the accounts that you imported in the tool will auto follow your brand account

Then, at List to Follow field, click Phần mềm Tiktok => put your file to the bot: 


3.14. Check Profile

This option enables you to check multiple TikTok profiles.

Select Check Profile at Action field.

The tool will automatically checks profile of the accounts that you imported in the tool and then show all the results: number of followers, following, likes, number of videos, account status in the Database Manager box.


3.15. Manual control

Select Manual control to control your accounts manually.

IV. Pricing Tag – TikTokAutomation


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We would appreciate your inquiry more about our automation tools at qnibot.com/Contact/En.


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